I don't know if you (the uploader) is the one who actually wrote this translation, or if you'll even see this, but I thought I'd offer my thoughts on it, chapter by chapter.
I've been studying Latin off and on for a few years now. I'm not really an expert or fluent in the language, so take what I say as comment rather than authoritative critique. I assume you're going off of an English translation so I'll refer to the /a/nonymous translation to get an idea of what you're intending to say (with some appropriate variation of course).
Chapter 1
- "Cur in societate mangae relicta participens factus es, discipule ite inepte?"
- I'm not sure what you were going for with this one. Based on the English translation, I would have written along the lines of "Num discipulus in societatem mangae relictam soleat spatiare?" since she's expressing disbelief that not just he, but anyone in general would be there. I'm not sure how you would say transfer student, though.
- "Solitudo satis erat!"
- I would have gone with the more personal "Maluerim solum esse" or "Mihi melior solitudo esset", to express the she personally is wishing to be alone rather than judging solitude as sufficient in an impersonal way.
- "Vero, noli mihi loqui!"
- Should be "mecum" rather than "mihi". Also, I don't think "vero" would be the best word to use since it seems to usually be used to describe objects or situations rather than as an intensifier (it literally means "in truth"). Not sure what a good alternative would be though.
Chapter 2
- "Ubi edo meus delectus est."
- Rather than "meus delectus est", I would suggest "mihi eligendum est" (i.e "is for me to choose").
- "Eiectus es?"
- I don't know of any way to say "loner", but you might want to add something to make it less vague, such as "Eiectus est grege?", "Were you thrown out of your group?" or something like that.
Chapter 3
- "Vero dei poenam irrogant."
- I would add a "mihi", but I suppose it's not necessary.
- "Quidem hic ingentissimus dolor est."
- A much simpler "Pessime hercle!" would more straightforwardly mean "this is the worst!" or something like it.
This is taking longer than I thought it would so I'll stop here. If you (or the translator) would want to discuss these things further I'd be happy to.