If that doesn't work, try throwing herbs at it, it might have a thyme limitConsidering throwing a rock at it, if that doesn't work, an even bigger rock, and keep increasing the size, everything got a rock limit
Yeah, what the hell is this lol. I was like "Maybe this can be reasoned with or somethin--" "I was born to murder you all" Huh???Dragon:
Foolish Humans you are nothing but mass murderers who worship gods and slaughter other life forms
Also dragon:
I was born to mass murder who worships my master and slaughters other life forms
This is a severe case of Blackkettleitis
🤫 Don't you dare to wake up Mikey from his grave.I hope it doesn't turn into a loli
I hope it doesn't turn into a loli
Don't worry, the white dragon won't turn into a loli.🤫 Don't you dare to wake up Mikey from his grave.
Deserved, dumbass villager. They don't value their lives at all. Should follow advice and evacuate. What i don't like tho, the children have to suffer the consequences too bcuz stupid adult. "But the tomato" fok your tomatoesRIP Villagers. Does this world work like some other series where if the dungeon master/core is defeated/destroyed then all monsters it spawned go with it?
Thanks for the TL