I feel like author, after some arc ends with some aura from MC, he decide to regress him again into this low worth, deprecating that doesn't want to express his opinion just to start a new arc.
Ik it's because his brain is drilled by the traumatic teacher that cry bcs her friend touch a random grimoire & died, but this dedication to MC personality just wow.
Now I'm just interested with the rest of party & their teased rivals. Duggas, Cross, & Silica will probably have a harder time to shine after that grandmaster comment. Then what Krum, Sylphie, Rina+Hinata, Shino, & potentially Leticia will bring to push MC party close to the edge.
Fia also seems to taken an assistant role of Ryouen(probably same generation as Lloyd where she call Merlin her master) & these two might be the researchers/intelligence role when both parties joint operations.
I'm not counting Selion & Irena as I think they're more into beastfolk/Claire kingdom faction(and those two are not adventurers, which it seems to be very highlighted here their difference with the knights) that trust MC party as reliable escortee