This Girl Will Express Herself in 100 Days - Ch. 75

Group Leader
Dec 6, 2019
kokkuri info if yall are interested
Double-page supporter
Aug 22, 2019
@Swankeaboo Gugure! Kokkuri-san is enough to show what would happen if you try summoning someone with that.

Also, what's up with japanese people being so scared of spirits? What makes them scary for them?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 23, 2019
@HunLepto While Christianity does exist (and thrive) in Japan, and most people have an atheist outlook in life, spiritualism and such are still rooted deep in their daily lives. They go to temples every year, celebrate three (Shinto, Buddhism, and Christian) religions' holy days, and still do some of the rituals from their ancestors. Like Obon, for example. If we go by their language; "[They] know in [their] head, but [their] heart still yields."

For the Japanese, spiritualism isn't that much of a relic. They still hold onto prepositions and they consume astrology like hungry wolves. It's part of their culture. The culture of a nation that was once closed its borders for hundreds of years.
Group Leader
Dec 6, 2019
@bookbarker the literal japanese word used was 淋しい, "lonely." despite this being pretty much the only one-word dictionary definition you can pull out of it in english, the meaning in japanese is a lot broader. if i used "lonely" for this chapter and the last, it would imply tabuchi and kashiwada respectively are lonely in general, which, while possibly true, wasnt the intention of 淋しい here (tadokoro wouldnt know that, and if he did, he wouldnt call them out like that)

i couldve used "feeling left out" or something, but "fomo," while very colloquial, offers the one word punch that 淋しい does, and sounds more natural for a middle schooler (people seem to forget that these really are middle schoolers just bantering so if they were native english speakers theyd be talking in slang/memes like this)
Double-page supporter
Aug 22, 2019
@mister_nobody I know there are now several religions in Japan and that they still celebrate their culture despite different beliefs, but what I'm interested in is why japanese people seem more scared of spirits and ghosts? How are they even described in their history? Do they think of spirits as ethereal beings who can also possibly kill you without you being able to to anything?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 23, 2019
@HunLepto as a Japanese literature student myself, I regrettably have to say that I'm not well versed with much of their culture from the academical view. However, as a fan of Japanese culture, language, and their anime subculture, I can squeeze out some arguments.

As I stated before, it's mainly because spiritualism is still part of their daily lives. Ghosts and spirits are still viewed as normal occurrences to them, as any prepositions are. That belief is still ingrained deep in their subconsciousness. Historically, they closed off themselves without any outside influences for hundreds of years, making their spiritualism belief aged and brew well in their mind. They were untouched by Christianity until a Catholic missioner from Portuguese bring in advanced technologies, including flintlocks and gunpowder (that would strive well in Japan's former state of warring country). so technically Jesus introduces gun to Japan

An interesting piece of culture regarding Japan is that their Emperors are, historically speaking, direct descendants of the Gods. In their official history book, commonly referred to as Nihon Shoki, elements of spiritualism and Shintoism are completely integrated into their earlier history. From how gods created the islands and mountains to low-class ayakashi disturbing the royal palace and the people. This is due to the fact of the colossal influence of the Shinto religion during those times. Again, religion playing part in governments, nothing new.

The Japanese know ghosts and spirits as we know guns and bullets. To understand them better, we need to first detach ourselves from our values and see from their perspective in a blank state. Don't force logic as we know it onto their beliefs, that is the very first step to anything really. When you deal with the belief of astral beings every day, it's ingrained into your own person the fear of the unknown and the respect to it. Or simply, just the thought of someone you've lost is still lingering around you can be both scary and heartwarming, depending on the occasion.

Or maybe, take it like this. We wear good clothes because of social norms. People judge your look, and you may or may not comply with those judges by taking care of yourself more. But, why? What's the logic? Their judges won't hurt you in any real way. Wearing an ugly hat won't kill you in your sleep or a bullet finding a nest in your brain because of it. There is an unwritten set of values that we keep up as a self-preserving social creature.

The Japanese's "fear of spirits," or arguably more fittingly "belief in prepositions," is much less the same. They live in an environment that forces them to deal with unseen, unwritten values every day. Again, it's ingrained in their brain.

Long story short, there aren't many answers as to why the Japanese seem more scared of spirits and ghosts, compared to (for convenience's sake) the westerners. They're simply more familiar with it than us. Just like how unnerving it is to walk into a bad neighborhood, it's scary to be in a haunted house. Or, in this scenario, haunted tunnels.
Double-page supporter
Aug 22, 2019
@mister_nobody Asked a simple question, got an interesting educational lesson. Well, that kinda explains it, thanks for the informative explanation. Though, for damn sure, if I ever meet one, I will still ask a japanese person (depending if I will even know japanese at the time) to see what they will answer to that.

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