This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 100 Days - Ch. 17 - Day 17

Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2019
"We're gonna be picking up some massive projects lads, just as soon as we get somebody to do the work"

Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Gyaru: Oh no, please Mr. Otaku, don't use this information to blackmail into hot, steamy sex or anything...That would be so embarrassing...

Otaku: ...What did I do that could possibly make you jump to that conclusion?

Gyaru: ... (Goddamn it!)
Dex-chan lover
May 22, 2019
"Bitch, does it look like I give a fuck?"

"Now where's my damn smile?"
(as I hold up a photo of her in her work uniform)
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2019
Well, it really looks like a though job cleaning this. Kudos to the team. Amazing work.

EDIT: also yeah, translating is a difficult job, but cleaning, redrawing and typesetting requires a lot of work too.
Group Leader
Dec 12, 2019
@DirkHardpeck I love how you say that sentence when you are doing nothing but reading OUR work. You think this easy but our redrawers spends hours just to redraw these 1-2 page stuff, and as a font typer it takes me for atleast 30-40minutes to stroke the text and put the real text in, just so we can do a perfect job. Also @John_Doe_Jersey i really appreciate the thought of you want to help us, as a reader your possitive comments always helps us more than enough, and thank you for repyling to that dude while i was busy.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2019
@MROGZ oh my god thirty whole minutes. And I like how every time you get criticized you fall back on that "Well are YOU doing anything? Where's YOUR group" line.

I dunno, typesetting can be done by a monkey and redrawing isn't anywhere near as important as some people make it out to be. So saying that there's grand plans to pick up a bunch of series if only you had someone to translate is just sad for a group that has a patreon.
Group Leader
Jan 25, 2020
It's true redrawing might not be as important in some mangas, but here it is and requires a ton of work. Yeah we could do the easy way out and not do it but that'll degrade the image quality.
We have plans to pick series, we have everything but a translator, so we're asking if someone wants to help. Because we do have one, but he is busy on other works, we can't do everything at once.
The typesetting do take some sort of time to be proper enough.
The patreon is also used for a website that's in the works.
Group Leader
Dec 12, 2019
@DirkHardpeck God i love how you just keep fucking going like that m8. U know what just tell me OK and i will give you the entire manga to Translate, redraw and font type it so you can upload it here. We know you are not a decent human being so let us see how a MONKEY can do the font types m8. Cmon try i would LOVE to give you this manga to translate. Oh and i've never once put up a page that says please consider donating us nor i put up my patreon link here even once. Our all patrons are from Sokuochi-Mayuri Chan and it's not that famous of a manga so yes we do have financial issues, and to fix that we are doing our best to find a Japanese TL that can help us.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2019
@mrogz You almost make it sound like you're the only one doing work there. I talk bad about typesetting and suddenly you tell me to translate, redraw and typeset. Apparently I'd be about as good at it as you since you're looking for translators and not doing it yourself.

I dunno, I've just seen plenty of groups disband because the person translating left and nobody can actually do anything without them. So it seems bad to me when people talk about expanding projects and they just need the translator.

@Kerubim I appreciate the work the redrawers do. But I guess I'm of the camp that it doesn't particularly matter, even here. I just don't understand the need some people have with making something look commercial ready when it's a fanwork.

Yall do good work don't get me wrong. Just feels like the bossman's getting ahead of himself. But what do I know, since I'm not a group admin that slaps text on a page I'm not allowed an opinion :)
Aggregator gang
Dec 10, 2018
If she didn't treat the MC like shit, then I wouldn't have a problem with her but damn she's kind of difficult to like.

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