Yeah this chapter ruined it all, absolute dogshit writing. Author casually drops that the mother knew about the false slander all along, still went through with everything and the daughter somehow gets to try and do the exact same thing again? Bitch needed the psych ward.After this chapter, this went from a solid 8 romance to a shitty 1, lets forgive everyone no matter what they did manga
Exactly. I mean lets even forget about the MC, the mother abandoned HER TODDLER. SHE ABANDONED HER TODDLER AND ANOTHER YOUNG SON, FOR A MARRIAGE TO A MAN WHOSE DAUGHTER MADE HER OLDER SON'S LIFE IN SCHOOL HELL BY MAKING FALSE ACCUSATIONS AND SHE EVEN KNEW ABOUT IT BUT STILL ABANDONED THEM WITHOUT EVEN CLEARING ANYTHING UP OR EVEN KEEPING IN TOUCH. F**KING WH*REYeah this chapter ruined it all, absolute dogshit writing. Author casually drops that the mother knew about the false slander all along, still went through with everything and the daughter somehow gets to try and do the exact same thing again? Bitch needed the psych ward.
And MC has to be guilt tripped by the whole cast to "save himself" which ends up just being him positively acknowledging the mother-daughter abuser duo. What a wholesome message.