Top 1 Fighting Tutoring - Ch. 25

Jan 19, 2018
Damn. Really liking this manhwa so far but this chapter was kind’ve empty. I guess the author was trying to show us this somewhat moral edge boy but it felt like he wasted an entire chapter on it. Like, nothing was added to the story or this character that hadn’t been inferred by the last panel in the last chapter. Nonetheless, thanks STONE for the translation and please continue translating!!
Dex-chan lover
Sep 22, 2018
Damn. Really liking this manhwa so far but this chapter was kind’ve empty. I guess the author was trying to show us this somewhat moral edge boy but it felt like he wasted an entire chapter on it. Like, nothing was added to the story or this character that hadn’t been inferred by the last panel in the last chapter. Nonetheless, thanks STONE for the translation and please continue translating!!
I feel like this chapter was meant to mainly accomplish a few things:build hype, establish WHY someone who clearly could’ve been a Kickboxing prospect would ever want to join a gang(“easy/quick” financial gain), and to get us into his pathetic head space.

Dude really is just doing this to make a quick buck, having fun stroking his own unchecked ego, and(just a theory here)ironically to impress his crush. Even tho it’s clear he’s too narrow minded to see he’s just destroying his own chances with her lmfao
Dex-chan lover
Sep 22, 2018
annoying spineless simp hope he gets humbled and hard cucked in the next 5 chaps

Imma fuckin lose it if the plan to beat him is literally just “Operation: Cuck Em”😂 With the goofy girl just CONSTANTLY cheering for the MC(no matter if he’s winning or losin)to piss this Simp off more and more until his Technique and Stamina crumble

100% feels like something the Bully Mentor would cook up edge out a W
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2023
the author should had continued with average looking deliquents that we see in every manga they are actually more funnier than this guy

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