"Touto Sugite Yome na ~a~a~a~a~a~a i!!" 4P Short Stories - Vol. 1 Ch. 14 - I Decided to Protect You for Life [by Yuu Morikawa]

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Feb 10, 2018
Enjoy ch 14: I decided to protect you for life by Yuu Morikawa
Author Twitter: https://twitter.com/mori_kw
You may know author from <Villain-san's Day Off>

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Mar 10, 2019
Thank you so much for the translation!

Question: why is the title capitalization for this series (and it's prequel) all over the place? I've been trying to find some kind of pattern for it, but…
Power Uploader
Feb 10, 2018
So if i understand you right you are asking "I Decided to Protect you for Life" Why aren't all begin letters of word upper case or all of them small ?

This would be the normal text: I decided to protect you for life .... ( Doesn't this look a bit plain ?)

So in typography there is this thing called "Proper case" basically what it means is first letter of each word is in upper case.
Eg: I Decided To Protect You For Life (This looks better right ? but its weird to look at two letter words like to and for to be capital feels unbalanced)

Then there is something called "Title case" in which the first letter of major words are capitalized.
Eg: I Decided to Protect You for Life (Now in this case Protect, You, Life are major parts of the sentence and by title case it is highlighted and not so important words like to, for etc are not. This way those major meaningful words are emphasized. So your attention is drawn to the main words. You can its application mainly in NEWS headlines/title... lets face these days our attention span is very short and dont got the patience to read the title much less the article this way key words stick out and catch the readers eye )
Mar 10, 2019

Okay, I explained that a little badly… I am well aware of what title case is, and how it functions, as well as variations, etc. What I don't get, it why the chapters are
1. not following any one pattern. The first few are in sentence case, for starters (only the first word, "I," and proper nouns). And please, don't refer to capatizing the first letter of every word as "proper," it's called "start case" and it really is incorrect and careless (at least whomever teaches it as correct is).
2. in some cases the capitalization in other cases is all but random. In chapter 5, "is not" is lower case, when it shouldn't be (length only affects the capitalization of prepositions and conjunctions, after all), and chapter 8 follows suit. There's also chapter 12: "I want to Take Care of My older Boyfriend" — that one really had me puzzled. (Is "I Want to Take Care of My Older Boyfriend" that hard?)

Also to correct your information of title case: It isn't the importance of the word which determines whether it is capitalized in title case (that's actually irrelevant), it is the part of speech and length: only articles, conjunctions, and prepositions are ever lower case, and those only when they are less than four or five letters long (depending on who you ask). This originates in a confusion regarding German captialization rules, which were sometimes used to make titles stand out, but due to the already-present differences regarding the treatment of the derivatives of proper nouns (among other things), things got mixed up and the present system developed ultimately developed (so, yeah, newspapers didn't have a hand in this one). The only other time a word may be left uncapitalized in English title case is when it is a phrase from another language, in which case the phrase is italicised and follows its native capitalization rules (e.g. any titles including a Latin term, or one from a Romance language, would not be capitalized apart from proper nouns). Aside from whether four letter prepositions and conjunctions are capitalized, there is also no consensus on the capitalization of hyphenated words, however, aside from those two things, the rules proper English capitaliztion are all but set in stone (there are always those few who try to use other systems and confuse and annoy the Hell out of everyone else, but that's life for you). Basically the only actual difficulty is recognizing the part of speech for words which can be used in multiple (e.g. "on," "up," "but," and "so").

In short, what I meant was that the use of title case is very irregular for this series and doesn't follow any kind of pattern. Sorry if I confused you.

To whomever fixed this chapter's title: Thank you!
Power Uploader
Feb 10, 2018
@blackLuna i have made the comment giving basic understanding to an unknown reader on the topic.

In short, what I meant was that the use of title case is very irregular for this series and doesn't follow any kind of pattern.
I am assuming this is the issue you have. I am ok with the way it is. While i am not convinced it needs changes... i am open to hearing your opinion/ changes. You can dm me on discord Ha$yA#1634 or pm me on dex.

My main focus is not on the cases but rather the adding a title and the author information.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
So, if I understand correctly, MC get isekai-ed in incest after his girlfriend was killed? Well, that could be a good idea for a romantic LN with some detective.

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