The answer lies in ed's reflection in the sword on the final page...stupid god's crappy rules! hmph!
I still wonder why he must be exiled rather than just defeat the demon king.. Is the god fueled by the concept of 'Supporter Exiled From The Hero's Party'?
I see the reflection, but I thought it was just a cool effect... He's a demon? But like... Ed isn't one... The 'God' is a demon? Maybe? I'm so confused... Is Ed a demon king who set this up, erased his own memories, to remake himself and destroy the 100 other demon kings? And he sets it up so that he must leave the party, because he doesn't belong, and because he has others to go on to?The answer lies in ed's reflection in the sword on the final page...
you got like all the pieces in there but just slightly wrong. don't worry. the foreshadowing in this chapter will eventually pay off. There is a reason ed with all his "outsider skills" is stronger than any one worlds hero ^_^I see the reflection, but I thought it was just a cool effect... He's a demon? But like... Ed isn't one... The 'God' is a demon? Maybe? I'm so confused... Is Ed a demon king who set this up, erased his own memories, to remake himself and destroy the 100 other demon kings? And he sets it up so that he must leave the party, because he doesn't belong, and because he has others to go on to?