I actually don't understand the drama happening in this thread, can anyone explain?
The original group that was translating this was using collected volume raws which were uncensored. They got up to chapter 5 last week and were doing a good job.
Then today this group shows up, posts the first 7 chapters based on digital single chapter release raws, with the following issues:
1) Their raws
are censored. Initially people believed the group was censoring them on their own and not that it was in the source raws, but it still means that the newer, sniping translations are of worse quality with more censorship
2) They have splashed giant watermarks all over many/most/all pages
3) Their translation is of dubious quality. It's not the worst MTL I've ever seen, but it just feels off, especially compared to the previous group.
4) They appear to just be doing this to try and drive traffic to their website (where they promise they have up to chapter 12).
5) as noted at the start, the other scan group is doing a fine job and it's barely been a week since the last chapter so there was no need to jump in and snipe them like this. I know people will defend it because scanlating is like the wild west, but this whole thing works best when everyone works in concert instead of conflict.
It's just a combination of a bunch of crappy behaviors all at once.