Symboli Rudolf Fact:
When she was being respectful about Obey's Trainer, this is referencing Rudolf's
Last Race.
Basically what happened was that the Symboli Clan's owner was too obsessed to race his horses in America. He was so infuriatingly a pain in the arse about it that Rudolf's JP team quit. That didn't stop Symboli-san to send Rudolf to America. And during his stay, the ranch he stayed at pitied Rudolf and they took care of him. Rudolf was super stressed and couldn't get into shape due to immensely unfamiliar place he got sent to.
Saddening ending to it was that Rudolf's last race, San Luis Rey Stakes in 1986 ended up disastrous finishing 6th. Got beaten by Dahar.
So seeing Rudolf in the manga being so respectful to Mr. Entertainer here is her being respectful to her "dad" in America
She remind me of Kawakami Princess, ohohohoho.
I don't see Eve breaking things...
but the object in that room on the top right panel on pg. 9 is distracting cause I can’t quite figure out what it is.
air duct perhaps
Heck yeah, the race finally started! I truly have a soft spot for butler outfits, specially worn by women, it makes me want to root for Obey Your Master!
reference to her IRL name, Pay The Butler