Upload Request Guidelines [READ THIS FIRST]

Head Contributor Wrangler
Super Moderator
Jan 18, 2018
This subforum is for requesting the upload of existing scanlations only.

If this isn't clear enough:
Existing = MUST already be available somewhere, right now.
Do not ask for someone to make a new translation for you.
Scanlation = CANNOT be raws/original, and CANNOT be official translations.

To submit a request, please first read the damn rules above, they're not that complex. Then provide an accessible link to an existing scanlation (or a MU link or whatever someone can actually work with). Links to aggregator sites are also not allowed unless it is literally the only surviving copy of the scanlation on the internet or it is the original source (i.e.: the team doesn't have a publication platform of their own). Use direct links to scan group sites when possible. The requested scanlation must be allowed per MD's rules, specifically sections 1. and 2. (see https://mangadex.org/rules) in their entirety. If you don't know whether it's acceptable, don't ask here. Go read the rules again. Specifically that means raws and official TLs are a no go.

Similarly any of the following titles are not allowed in English, without any exception. Don't ask for them.
Tower of God is also not allowed to be uploaded, in any language.

Please use this template when making a thread. If you do not, your thread will be removed.
Also, if it's only a couple of chapters, just upload them yourself. This subforum is intended for bulk requests.

MD Link:
Last edited:
Power Uploader
Mar 22, 2023
When you want a thread to get locked because it's been completed (or otherwise should be locked), do you Report the initial comment and explain, or is that Report (unlike the series Report) only for rule-breaking, we should only reply to the thread, and at some point a mod will lock it?

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