Poor Heisei Period Policeman

at least we got to see Yakou B be a badass!
Amazing cover artwork this chapter, the blood on the page connects each of the character's wounds, except for the Leader, the blood connects with his hair instead, and except for Suteguma: because he doesn't have any wounds.
Another intriguing chapter; the part where Suteguma says "I was right" immediately after Baku thought "He knew" after probing him makes it more likely that Suteguma's ability really is linked to sound, or at the very least Suteguma is an expert body language reader (both are possible). Also, Baku has never acted this meekly (even trying to "cheer himself up" as Suteguma before), which makes me think that it is all an act to bait Suteguma. The hand slam at the end makes me think Usogui might have also figured out Suteguma's ability somehow, although I don't know how he could know what the wrongly inputted password was, he probably figured it out by figuring out what Suteguma's number was last round, inputting the wrong password on purpose, and working backwards to figure out what the wrongly inputted number could be based on Suteguma's number of beads. I guess we'll see next chapter.
Insane pace by Team Duwang! I love you guys! 7 consecutive daily releases.