Usogui - Vol. 33 Ch. 356 - The Sneering Brother

Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2019
Organ harvesting, slave trading, human and drug trafficking... Arata is one messed up and smart guy to come up with such a twisted concept.

Gotta wonder who'll win this one. I've already taken a liking to this Referee. How long will this batch be?
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 13, 2019
Damn this arc is gonna go a lot longer than I thought. Man this island is gonna have LAYERS i love it.
Thanks as always team duwang!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Man they would be great as detective partners, a pity they are on opposite teams.

So Robert K's brother is the blonde guy that likes to kill people he befriends ? Didn't he die?
Aggregator gang
Nov 9, 2018
God damn I got so spooked due to the atmosphere part and the later parts of the chapter

Thanks for the chapter
Double-page supporter
Jan 26, 2018
We get to see Suteguma's brother! Cool. I was wondering why they kept putting Robert K behind a mask.

It looks like there might be an organization rivaling Kakerou and Ideal with this Island, if Arata is really the one bankrolling them.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 16, 2018
Thanks so much for the chapter!! Robert K's backstory/reason for joining IDEAL is very interesting. And I found that flashback powerful/emotionally gripping. Love that this manga usually always gives a reason for seemingly unimportant details.
There is one thing I am confused about regarding Suteguma and Robert K's backstory. In 236 (Suteguma's version of the story), it is said that Robert looked into the house multiple times. But Robert's version of the flashback implies that he only did it once. (The use of "that time," only remembering one Suteguma face, etc). (I also checked the original and "that time" is not a translation error, the phrase just appears in another panel). I have more faith in the 236 depiction of events (as in that Robert did it multiple times) because the narrator is in third person, while Robert K is narrating his own version of events. (Unless the author retconned that detail). Also the settings for the two flashbacks are different.
Possibilities for this contrast I have thought of:
1. Robert only remembers doing it once. He said he suddenly remembered it randomly one day. And the guilt he feels is blocking out the other memories (or he just doesn't remember the other occurrences). (but if this is the case I don't think he is in a suitable state to apologize...)
2. In 236 Robert is "looking in the house," which is filled with children (including Suteguma). While in this chapter he is looking at a room with just Suteguma and the adult hitting him. So maybe the other times Robert was laughing at the other children (and possibly did not notice Suteguma), while in the event described in today's chapter he specifically targeted Suteguma. But if Suteguma noticed Robert all those times, it would be weird for Robert not to notice Suteguma at all. And I think the only way for him to know about the farm is because his brother was sent there.
3. As I said before, there is a possibility the detail was retconned... which would be disappointing... Also confused about how in this line it says "was he worried that his brother may be sold..." and here it says that Suteguma was already sold That may just be to an information gap or me not understanding the situation enough...

Anyway, Ikon being considered an outlaw is so funny, especially as he is just smiling when they say it. Poor dude, all he did was enter the island by parachute.

Edit: forgot to ask the most important question: is there an explanation for why Suteguma's brother is, what I am assuming, a white man (named Robert)... (The wikipedia entry says they are biological brothers, at least based on my horrible knowledge of the Japanese language). Is Robert actually Chinese too and Robert is a fake name and his hair is blond because anime???
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 12, 2019
There's something I don't understand.
Is Referee Ikon being considered an outlaw really something normal?
I mean... sure, he came by parachute and not by boat, and took a vest that was not given to him by the developers. So he did entered illegally, yeah, I get that. But is it the case for all the referees, then? And if so, why the hell would Kakerou ever want that?

I would laugh hard if he was tricked into wearing Hal's vest, somehow.
Active member
Feb 8, 2019
@ghetsis the use of "that time" was to refer to the specific time he sneered when suteguma was being sold, not to say that it was his first time sneering at him, indicating that in that particular time, his sneer had been more disgusting (figuratively) than the other times
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 16, 2018
Thank you for the explanation/clearing things up! So at that time, Suteguma had just been sold, right? (I thought it meant that he had already been sold for a while). Him being sold recently makes more sense. I still find it kinda weird that Robert does not mention the other times he smiled at Suteguma/the farm children. I assume he regrets those too, but he focuses on a specific event because he believes that sneer was more malicious/ugly. Also the situation was more dire.
Double-page supporter
Sep 6, 2018

There was a mistake in the line at c236p12, it was supposed to be that Suteguma was already sold. It's been fixed!

About the "that time" line, I can confirm there's no translation error. It's probably one of the things you speculated.

For Robert K looking foreigner-ish, I don't know if it'll ever be explained, but one guess could be that he's actually a step brother and they have different mothers? That also could've contributed to Suteguma being sold/treated harshly by his previous family. Also, the "blond" hair might not actually be blond, I've seen in other series where characters with that hair end up being colored brown/blue/pink, even though it really feels like it should be blond. Baku himself has a similar style, but his hair is white. (Random fact, Ranko's hair was shown to be blue in the OVA.)


Batch will end on next chapter!


I'm really liking the fight too. Lots of small interesting interactions, like Robert K talking to Douji mid-fight in order to get him to confirm that Kakerou & the Developers aren't co-operating yet, and also to stall for time for the developers to come. Robert K really reminds me of Caracal or Hal fighting.

I think the reason why they had referees enter illegally, was because they wanted to beat Baku/Lalo/Hal to the island so Kakerou could scout the island first. The three players were already entering legally in the fastest possible way, as soon as the match began, so the only way to get ahead of them was to do it illegally.

But yeah, I do wonder why Ikon is even wearing a vest. It seems to be more detrimental if anything, since the stun feature it has was shown to be strong enough to even take out Marco. It doesn't seem to be useful outside of actually participating in the game's battle system, but I really don't expect Kakerou to be trying to level up themselves... probably? Unless it's needed to follow the players or something.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Sinful_egg Martin was a blonde American, and he guy that usogui faced was from mainland China.

Unless you are implying that Robert K is Chinese and died his hair.

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