Usogui - Vol. 38 Ch. 416 - Cannibalism

Fed-Kun's army
Feb 21, 2019
That was a pretty clever move on Lalo's part.

Though I've gotta ask, was it simply because Lalo was being put on the ship that forced Amen to intervene? Or did the fact that Lalo was about to be killed play a part in it? Like, was there ever a rule about Baku and Lalo being required to stay alive till the end of the gamble? I can't remember.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2018
I think its clear it was Arata taking him out of the island.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2018

No, they don't need to be kept alive. Like you thought, it's because Lalo bet his life on this Ban, so him leaving the island for any reason means he needs to be killed by the referees.

So, Fukurou is probably going to remind Hal that he lost against the owl. Wonder how Hal is going to react to that.
Lalo going psycho over those diamonds is quite funny too.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
welp, this is weird... leaving island should be automatic loss for lalo, n referee just need to purge him afterward. A referee forbid lalo to leave is like saying, "Don't give up yet. I want to see you playing till the end".
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Why did Hal took the diamonds with him to the island?

Also did Lalo count on Bai Long not killing Amen and allowing her to go and save him from Arata? ins't that too risky she is looking fierce but she also seems to be in quite a bad state.

Or was the plan for Bai Long to go and save him eventually?

I am still salty about Ikon dying.

Edit: @rennov that's a good point, it is weird for Amen to actually stop Lalo from leaving, maybe she is still disoriented from her fight and acted on impulse. So maybe having her beaten half to death was actually part of the plan?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 27, 2019
I think the rule is more along the lines of "Players cannot leave the island" which is not violated if one of the players dies and thus drops out of the game, which is why technically speaking Robert K could leave in the first place, as he was considered to be "dead" in a neurophysiological sense by Daiba (wrongly so).

Edit: yeah, the rule explicitly states that you cannot leave the 卍(Ban) as it was stated in chapter 325, page 16.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018

I don't get that impression for Robert K exilement. Robert K was purged because he wanted to keep staying in the Island even he already lost the bet, not because he need to be dead before leaving.

if it's really not allowed to leave the Island for the players, then any exilement bet should be not allowed too... but the referee seems so very okay with it.

To me that stated rule just meant that if you leave, you lost. That's why exilement from the Island means an automatic lost for a player (for lalo n Baku, that means dead, because they bet their lives on this. But, that's not the case for the other players)
Dex-chan lover
Sep 18, 2018
also, is it pronounced ban as in baughn or like literally ban as in you are banned
Group Leader
Jan 20, 2019
@the9813 There is no short "a" sound in Japanese, so it would be pronounced "bahn." This is also how the word "ban" as in "banned" is pronounced in Japanese. So there's a bit of wordplay happening here.
Jan 18, 2018
This is one of the those times where Player A outdoes Player B, but Player B comes up with a countermove, to which Player A responds with a counter, and finally to which Player B's real plan comes into motion after foreseeing everything that would happen. Usually you can spot these type of scenarios easily if you're into manga like Usogui, but this is one of those times where I honestly couldn't tell who was getting the upper hand. Sako Toshio did a good job portraying Lalo as someone who was on the verge of losing and Arata as someone who was becoming some final boss material.

As for Amen intervening back there, I'm under the impression she only interfered like she did because she was actively enforcing the rules, which is what Woodchipper pointed out early about how "one can never go further than the posted Ban cards." Kakerou is operating under the mindset that players cannot leave the Ban area, which to Kakerou involves them acting as a mediator upholding the rule that players cannot leave the Ban area in the utmost manner. This isn't a scenario where Kakerou will allow players to violate a rule and then be punished, this is more like Kakerou doing what it can to make sure no player violates any agreed-upon rules by word; if a player somehow happens to violate a rule, then it's Kakerou's failure and their collection time for that player's life. I feel like this is a topic that's been discussed several times and has several variations in previous chapters. Most notably, the match between Usogui and tacky suit guy over vials of corrosive acid comes into mind since Kyara stuck by Usogui by not bending the rules, but by supporting Usogui as far as the rules could allow Kyara to not interfere.
May 24, 2018
@Doomroar i think lalo bet that 1 of referee will escape bailong, and anyway he knew 1 of refree tailing him before he met Arata, AND if bailong kill all referees, lalo quit strong to act by himself anyway, like he said, this time he didnt even need use his own power
Dec 2, 2019

Here is my whole understanding of the match which anyone can feel free to correct. Baku vs. Lalo was the main point of the ban and the goal Kaiser. the main issue between kakerou and Lalo is that based on the rules set, and after he become kaiser on the 23rd, he has no chance of winning a death gamble. him leaving the island as a ban initiator defaults to a loss and he bet his life. letting lalo leave the island means kakerou is flawed which they wouldnt let happen. Robert K and floyd Lee as an ally bet there support to lalo which is why they were forced to leave since it was bet
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
"Ideal" has always been introduced in this manga as being the perfect cut for a diamond, and I think Lalo was giving some signs that he was crazy back then when he spoke to Hachina about the diamonds seized from Voja. Totally a ∞IQ move by Hal? @Doomroar At least if not this particular outcome, there would have been many uses for it knowing that Lalo was participating. Tough to say if Hal actively wanted to sic Lalo on Arata though, but meh. Just like Usogui and Lalo, they grab every opportunity they can. Maybe Kakerou will buy out Huger later lol.

Can't wait for the "true history" of the Fukurou-Hachina match to come forth.

As for Amen's decision, I agree with @Ominous 's interpretation. Ultimately though, referees have to make judgments themselves and so they can bend rules somewhat too. But in this case, I think it was played as straight as an arrow under the "we'll prevent them from breaking the rules if it's within our power, but otherwise we will have to collect" idea.

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