Really don't like how that redemption was handled. Like no, it isn't Nagumo's own fault that her having partner got out, it very much is Kawase's fault. This reasoning that someone else would've just done it instead is what oil barons and casinos use to justify ruining the earth or people's lives respectively. Now all Kawase has to do to redeem herself is appear in one performance with Nagumo's former colleagues and not even directly help Nagumo. As far as I can tell Kawase isn't even sacrificing anything, instead she's forced to face her fears and improve herself, what punishment.
Imo, it's worth noting she never intended for that to happen to Nagumo, but honestly her wanting that guy to stalk them just to scare them is worse. It's one thing to get someone fired, it's another to get inside their head and force them to move. It's so messed up. But her redemption isn't just that short hiatus and appearing in the MV, it's changing her ways. She plans to do better and I'd imagine she'd be less competitive with them and stay in her lane. On top of that, she's also sacrificing by taking the risk of facing Ruri by talking about what happened to Arika. If Ruri disappeared Arika, she could disappear Yukino too, so I'd consider it a huge risk myself. Snitches get stitches. (not a spoiler, idk or idr if smth happens to Yukino after.)
Though she does need to do more to be fully redeemed, it significantly helps make up for what she did, I mean it's better than the other members and staff who may know something. Personally, I also believe less in punishment, as I do in wtv helps the person better their ways.
But that's just my take, you're free to feel about Yukino however way you want ofc 😁