Welcome to the Cheap Restaurant of Outcasts! - Ch. 47 - Sincerity VIII

Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
This leaves me feeling so empty. Redeemed in three pages after her bullshittery the past 150 pages.

But with this arc being titled ‘Sincerity’ it was bound to happen.
Active member
Jan 15, 2024
tbh I blame more the author instead of katie because her actions doesn't make any sense:

- Fear of the guild disbanded? well whats the issue? everyone left so its just better to start from the bottom again.

- Fear of losing the guild house? for what do you want a big house when you lost all the members? better a small place for the girl that stayed.

- Fear of not able to protect the few members left? how?? You are one of the few S class adventurer and you are gonna tell me you can't protect a handful of girls?

This is just poor writing to try to put her against MC to stall the arc or something.
She had no one she could rely on growing up in harsh environment.
Everything that happened, she achieved it on her own, therefore, she doesn't easily trust others, implying she's close to a neutral relationship with Denys.

When most of the members left, as also mentioned by the head chef, she was trying to bear all the responsibilities by herself, being the new leader.

Then the money offer came from the prime minister, which was a one time opportunity. She had to put the guild's existence on the scale against Denys and Jean.

I'm not sure if they were on debt, but I remember she didn't want to let her members experience what she had gone through while showing a scene where she rummages a trash can for food indicating an imminent need for money.

In her mind, as the new leader, her obligation is to prioritize her members before any else, which led her to siding with the prime minister and abandon the other side of the scale, which is Denys and the others.

At this point, she got too fixated on bearing the duties as a leader, but when she faced the head chef, her heart was stirred by the head chef's freedom, despite bearing the same kind of responsibility.

The determination she had just somehow... lost... and Jean told her to follow her heart.

Katnage, or whatever his name was, was the last straw. She followed her heart and realized her mistakes of trying to shoulder everything and reaffirmed how comfortable it was to be with Denys.

I'd personally say it's not a bad writing at all. Just need a bit of empathy of putting yourself in her shoes.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 11, 2018
time to enjoy the complaints from this chapter in the comments :smug:
Here's some fried rice to chew on:
Cringe redemption arc. Actually gave me goosebumps. :huh: Manga Katie is really different from Novel Katie.

Oh look, a wall of text.
she doesn't easily trust others

Then the money offer came from the prime minister, which was a one time opportunity. She had to put the guild's existence on the scale against Denys and Jean.
Doesn't trust others easily, but she easily accepted a shady person's offer, who just admitted planning a coup, even if it's one time.
I'm not sure if they were on debt, but I remember she didn't want to let her members experience what she had gone through while showing a scene where she rummages a trash can for food indicating an imminent need for money.

In her mind, as the new leader, her obligation is to prioritize her members before any else, which led her to siding with the prime minister and abandon the other side of the scale, which is Denys and the others.
So basically earn quick and dirty money for food and rent, while ignoring the possible future consequences of being connected to shady nobles like Isabella. Not only did she bring money for the cute members, but she also brought a connection to another major conspiracy to their guild whose reputation was already crumbling due to their previous leader. Talk about being responsible as a guild captain, right?
I'd personally say it's not a bad writing at all. Just need a bit of empathy of putting yourself in her shoes.
Katie had red flags shown to her face, clearly sees it, about to refuse the offer, but the words "I can support you with enough money right away" turned her back. She said she won't join Isabella, just help them? Yeah sure help them with their crimes. I cannot put myself in her greedy shoes.

What's actually still living rent-free in my mind right now is Vivia's crossdressing job in chapters 37-38 :finnawoke::notlikethis:
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
She had no one she could rely on growing up in harsh environment.
Everything that happened, she achieved it on her own, therefore, she doesn't easily trust others, implying she's close to a neutral relationship with Denys.

When most of the members left, as also mentioned by the head chef, she was trying to bear all the responsibilities by herself, being the new leader.

Then the money offer came from the prime minister, which was a one time opportunity. She had to put the guild's existence on the scale against Denys and Jean.

I'm not sure if they were on debt, but I remember she didn't want to let her members experience what she had gone through while showing a scene where she rummages a trash can for food indicating an imminent need for money.

In her mind, as the new leader, her obligation is to prioritize her members before any else, which led her to siding with the prime minister and abandon the other side of the scale, which is Denys and the others.

At this point, she got too fixated on bearing the duties as a leader, but when she faced the head chef, her heart was stirred by the head chef's freedom, despite bearing the same kind of responsibility.

The determination she had just somehow... lost... and Jean told her to follow her heart.

Katnage, or whatever his name was, was the last straw. She followed her heart and realized her mistakes of trying to shoulder everything and reaffirmed how comfortable it was to be with Denys.

I'd personally say it's not a bad writing at all. Just need a bit of empathy of putting yourself in her shoes.
close to a neutral relationship with Denys, have we been reading the same story? Vigor had to banish him behind her back, she wanted for him to stay there and even and most importantly how they resolved the first arc was thanks to her info even if their guil would suffer from Vigor's defeat so no, they weren't neutral at best, for our dense MC she was clearly her best friend, so even after all this she could have asked to return the favor or talked how to resolve her problem without making him going adventure again. And also she clearly got friendly with Denys' mom by the end of the first arc, so she even got a connection.

the only point that is true is that she focused too much on her new position as leader, but that doesn't mean she has to betray everyone else, the problem with most of the readers is how easily she folded to the other side even if she would force other people to suffer like what she had to pass and worse of all how she was clearly not gonna have a punishment and that's what we got.
Active member
Jan 15, 2024
Doesn't trust others easily, but she easily accepted a shady person's offer, who just admitted planning a coup, even if it's one time.
Not a shady person, but a prime minister, which should be nationwide known.
She was also suspicious of her, and the dire situation forced her to turn a blind eye.

Though, regardless, she can still accept a shady person's offer without trusting them. Think like mercenaries. They pay, you work. Trust isn't necessary.

So basically earn quick and dirty money for food and rent, while ignoring the possible future consequences of being connected to shady nobles like Isabella. Not only did she bring money for the cute members, but she also brought a connection to another major conspiracy to their guild whose reputation was already crumbling due to their previous leader. Talk about being responsible as a guild captain, right?

Idk how to quote like that, so I'll just do it like this.

How did you think she climbed up from a homeless? She's not exactly "clean" by any means.
Her main responsibility is to provide adequate shelter and food for her members.
She knows how hard it is to obtain those, she'll take any chances to come by.
If life was so easy, she wouldn't use swimsuit armor to begin with.
And yes, even if it's to join hands with rebels. At worst, she'll be the only one held responsible. Her members, who know nothing, won't get involved, like how only the previous leader was held responsible, and the rest is crime free.

Katie had red flags shown to her face, clearly sees it, about to refuse the offer, but the words "I can support you with enough money right away" turned her back.

This is connected to my previous comment. She knew it was sus, but the situation demands her to turn a blind eye. She would have left immediately if she was rich.

She said she won't join Isabella, just help them? Yeah sure help them with their crimes. I cannot put myself in her greedy shoes.

She wanted to avoid being incriminated as much as possible, it's just the best struggle she could do at that moment.
To put yourself in her greedy shoes, you first need to imagine yourself being so poor you had to eat food from garbage can. Only then you can start empathizing her.
When you have reached that low, I'd assume most people will do anything for money. No one in their sane mind would be fine going back to eating dumpster. I'd also do the same.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Here's some fried rice to chew on:
Cringe redemption arc. Actually gave me goosebumps. :huh: Manga Katie is really different from Novel Katie.

What's actually still living rent-free in my mind right now is Vivia's crossdressing job in chapters 37-38 :finnawoke::notlikethis:
can you spoil more about Novel Katie? after all this I really don't want to get more from the series, but still if there was a better alternative at least I want to know that.

also had to look for that part of Vivia, weird hahaha, will the author remember to use it before it gets the big axe?
Active member
Jan 15, 2024
close to a neutral relationship with Denys, have we been reading the same story? Vigor had to banish him behind her back, she wanted for him to stay there and even and most importantly how they resolved the first arc was thanks to her info even if their guil would suffer from Vigor's defeat so no, they weren't neutral at best, for our dense MC she was clearly her best friend, so even after all this she could have asked to return the favor or talked how to resolve her problem without making him going adventure again. And also she clearly got friendly with Denys' mom by the end of the first arc, so she even got a connection.

the only point that is true is that she focused too much on her new position as leader, but that doesn't mean she has to betray everyone else, the problem with most of the readers is how easily she folded to the other side even if she would force other people to suffer like what she had to pass and worse of all how she was clearly not gonna have a punishment and that's what we got.
We probably have different views about best friend. Denys is her friend, yes, probably the most favored friend, but not enough to be called best friend. Think of it like, you have a friend who you really enjoy chatting with, but would you really sacrifice yourself for that person? He's just a friend who you enjoy chatting with. He's just the most enjoyable person in the whole group.
When someone gives you a choice whether to kill him or die, you'll most likely kill him as he's not THAT worth to defend. You might grieve after you killed him, but you would still choose to kill him, despite being remorseful after.

She's indifferent, that's all. Her nature is to do anything to survive as she herself mentioned in her monologue.
The readers feel betrayed because they pushed their own belief into her. To me, what she did is still within logical actions for her nature

Also, to add-on, Denys was also homeless, so he know how harsh it is to have such a life. He probably can relate to her actions, therefore dismissing everything that occurred, though he probably won't choose a decision like her as he's more stubborn.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
We probably have different views about best friend. Denys is her friend, yes, probably the most favored friend, but not enough to be called best friend. Think of it like, you have a friend who you really enjoy chatting with, but would you really sacrifice yourself for that person? He's just a friend who you enjoy chatting with. He's just the most enjoyable person in the whole group.
When someone gives you a choice whether to kill him or die, you'll most likely kill him as he's not THAT worth to defend.

She's indifferent, that's all. Her nature is to do anything to survive as she herself mentioned in her monologue.
The readers feel betrayed because they pushed their own belief into her. To me, what she did is still within logical actions for her nature
again, didn't she help Denys to stop Vigor in the first arc which clearly made the problem later with the guild's getting problems, she helped him even if the guild was going to suffer as her guild was the one that ordered for Denys' Restaurant to burn, so no, she's not indifferent to him.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2020
Honestly if this manga weren't reaching the end, I'd drop it specifically because of Katie. She's done nothing but make terrible decisions this whole arc, admits to MC that she was fully behind letting him get unfairly executed, and he just says "But you're fine now, right?" As if that sweeps everything she did under the rug. It wouldn't be as bad if we had some context as to why she can't just disband the guild and start over with the girls, free from the heavy amount of burden that comes with the Silver Wings name, but we don't. We only see her make bad decision after bad decision, with a vague backstory of "I used to be homeless so I have trust issues" turning into "I am well aware that you are sketchy as hell and planning a coup, sure I'll work for you as soon as you flash money at me even though I know this will end badly for me." And then the author frames her as some tragic heroine that had no other options. The main reason people in the comments hate her is that we don't have any context for why she doesn't pick any options other than the bad ones
...and why didn't they take the brat son hostage?
Is... is he still alive? We never see him move or make sounds after he reaches towards the light after she stops beating him, he's in a massive pool of blood, and his face has been caved in by Katie. You can't use a corpse as a hostage.
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Active member
Jan 15, 2024
again, didn't she help Denys to stop Vigor in the first arc which clearly made the problem later with the guild's getting problems, she helped him even if the guild was going to suffer as her guild was the one that ordered for Denys' Restaurant to burn, so no, she's not indifferent to him.
I don't remember her helping Denys directly. I only remember she gave Denys a piece of vague information. She explicitly said that she won't help him, or rather... "Can't." Chapter 12 Page 15
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
I don't remember her helping Denys directly. I only remember she gave Denys a piece of vague information. She explicitly said that she won't help him, or rather... "Can't." Chapter 12 Page 15
vague information? she even named the big shots to Denys, the start of ch. 13 start with that, so that sounds like a lot of help and she was ready to help him in his fight with Vigor but saw the gap in their strength, got called out by Denys' mom for that though.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 11, 2018
can you spoil more about Novel Katie?
First of all as others have already said, manga went off the rails, deviating from the novels (although some basic plot points were retained). IIRC Isabella's son dueled with Dennis but lost, and Katie didn't arrest Dennis but actually ignored the duel, even chatting cheerfully with him.

Not a shady person, but a prime minister
So a well-known minister can't be shady? Sus af? Also she's not the prime minister, only something like the Minister of Agriculture for them. The true prime minister-like was Atorie's father who was the Royal Sword Council Representative as shown in Chapter 31.

How did you think she climbed up from a homeless? She's not exactly "clean" by any means.
She knows how hard it is to obtain those, she'll take any chances to come by.
If life was so easy, she wouldn't use swimsuit armor to begin with.
Even if she wasn't clean before, why can't she change for the better? She's strong enough to become known and gain a title 「Crimson Sword of Speed」.
And yes, even if it's to join hands with rebels.
Do you really think there are no other nobles out there who has money? Does their kingdom only operate under Esther's and Isabella's families? Actually the whole Adventurer party-turned-Security firm is flawed IMO. Katie said the guild cannot function as an adventurer party anymore. Why? They have two swordswomen and two priests. Why not start from low ranks again, teach the three members how to become better adventurers befitting their current levels, and build their guild's reputation?
At worst, she'll be the only one held responsible. Her members, who know nothing, won't get involved, like how only the previous leader was held responsible, and the rest is crime free.
Let's say Katie gets to be the only one arrested. What about the three members she tried to protect? She was working to feed them. Who gets to feed them now? They will have no guild leader to guide them, and no guild to call home (two of them were kicked out by their families). That is not responsible in my book.
Active member
Jan 15, 2024
vague information? she even named the big shots to Denys, the start of ch. 13 start with that, so that sounds like a lot of help and she was ready to help him in his fight with Vigor but saw the gap in their strength, got called out by Denys' mom for that though.
"I heard a rumour that some big-shots are going to have dinner together in the near future."
This is what she told to Denys. Denys most likely have the names of the big shots already. I don't think she mentioned the names off-screen.

Also, what you pointed was exactly my point. She deemed Denys not worth enough to sacrifice herself to save him. She might favor him, but she's overall indifferent towards him.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2020
WTF is the timeline for these chapters anyway? The Minister told her son he can go torture the girl, he left to go do that. She then leaves, leaving Katie in charge of Dennys until mom comes to rescue him. They then leave the dungeon, with mom taking a break to kick Katie's ass, then catching up to Dennys, and going back to the dungeon. Somehow Katie meets up with the minister, updates her on the situation, gets chewed out, and makes it BACK to the dungeon... before the son can even start torturing the girl? Are there 2 torture dungeons on opposite sides of the castle? How did Dennys get there AFTER Katie even though he seems to be heading in a straight line?
Active member
Jan 15, 2024
So a well-known minister can't be shady? Sus af? Also she's not the prime minister, only something like the Minister of Agriculture for them. The true prime minister-like was Atorie's father who was the Royal Sword Council Representative as shown in Chapter 31.

Even if she wasn't clean before, why can't she change for the better? She's strong enough to become known and gain a title 「Crimson Sword of Speed」.

Do you really think there are no other nobles out there who has money? Does their kingdom only operate under Esther's and Isabella's families? Actually the whole Adventurer party-turned-Security firm is flawed IMO. Katie said the guild cannot function as an adventurer party anymore. Why? They have two swordswomen and two priests. Why not start from low ranks again, teach the three members how to become better adventurers befitting their current levels, and build their guild's reputation?

Let's say Katie gets to be the only one arrested. What about the three members she tried to protect? She was working to feed them. Who gets to feed them now? They will have no guild leader to guide them, and no guild to call home (two of them were kicked out by their families). That is not responsible in my book.
I might've worded that incorrectly. What I wanted to say is that a shady random thug is different than a shady minister. A shady high position usually won't waste time to fool someone with low position. They would either outright kill the hired person or just pay them and be done with them.

Change for the better? Like what? She has her own way of life, her philosophy. To say what she's doing is not right is a conceit. You are technically judging her way of life.

For this case, I'm assuming they're heavily in debt, which makes more sense.

In case she got arrested, she would have gotten the money already, which would be enough for them to use it to fend for themselves. You're just asking too much at this point, be mindful that she got promoted without her consent. She didn't sign up for it, but she felt responsible for her members who got into the mess her leader caused.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2021
May Katie get the most uncomfortable, most unadjustable wedgie whenever she walks for the rest of her days.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 11, 2018
Playing gacha games is pain <- totally suffering from being a lucklet, send help

I might've worded that incorrectly. What I wanted to say is that a shady random thug is different than a shady minister.
So you admitted Minister Isabella is shady haha :lul: A shady random thug is fundamentally the same as a shady minister. They screw up your life and use you for their own goals.
A shady high position usually won't waste time to fool someone with low position.
Yep. Minister Isabella surely didn't waste time with the lowly commoner Katie and assigned her as a bodyguard in a torture chamber.
They would either outright kill the hired person or just pay them and be done with them.
Sooooooo... Katie didn't even think of that possibility of getting betrayed and killed?
Change for the better? Like what? She has her own way of life, her philosophy.
To say what she's doing is not right is a conceit. You are technically judging her way of life.
So you're saying she should not change for the better and become a clean adventurer, and should stick to "unclean" activities which she learned since childhood, her way of life, her philosophy, which to you, is right. An instance of "The end justifies the means". It's the money that counts 👌 No need to worry about victims of theft or something. Gotta eat, right?

Oh! I should quit my job and steal your food! My new way of life, my philosophy. Don't judge me.
In case she got arrested, she would have gotten the money already, which would be enough for them to use it to fend for themselves. You're just asking too much at this point, be mindful that she got promoted without her consent. She didn't sign up for it, but she felt responsible for her members who got into the mess her leader caused.
You really think those three kids would be responsible enough with the money they might get? Two sheltered nobles who got kicked out of their houses, and a kid who got in the guild just because of her face? Three kids who were only power-levelled (has levels but no combat experience)? They were just being taken care of by Katie up to now but if she's gone, you're saying they'll suddenly turn into responsible adults who will absolutely not get kidnapped or scammed into shady deals like work for the corrupt upper class who tortures people they don't like, watch over the tortured people who had false charges against them, etc.?
Active member
Jan 15, 2024
Playing gacha games is pain <- totally suffering from being a lucklet, send help

So you admitted Minister Isabella is shady haha :lul: A shady random thug is fundamentally the same as a shady minister. They screw up your life and use you for their own goals.

Yep. Minister Isabella surely didn't waste time with the lowly commoner Katie and assigned her as a bodyguard in a torture chamber.

Sooooooo... Katie didn't even think of that possibility of getting betrayed and killed?

So you're saying she should not change for the better and become a clean adventurer, and should stick to "unclean" activities which she learned since childhood, her way of life, her philosophy, which to you, is right. An instance of "The end justifies the means". It's the money that counts 👌 No need to worry about victims of theft or something. Gotta eat, right?

Oh! I should quit my job and steal your food! My new way of life, my philosophy. Don't judge me.

You really think those three kids would be responsible enough with the money they might get? Two sheltered nobles who got kicked out of their houses, and a kid who got in the guild just because of her face? Three kids who were only power-levelled (has levels but no combat experience)? They were just being taken care of by Katie up to now but if she's gone, you're saying they'll suddenly turn into responsible adults who will absolutely not get kidnapped or scammed into shady deals like work for the corrupt upper class who tortures people they don't like, watch over the tortured people who had false charges against them, etc.?
I never said Isabella isn't shady. You indirectly implied that she's a fool for trusting isabella, a shady person, for my remark that "she doesn't easily trust other". I corrected that she's not trusting just a "mere shady person", but an "esteemed shady person," and added that this isn't about trust anyway.

Won't waste time, as in won't waste time avoiding not to pay her earned money after everything is over. I feel like you're getting disconnected here.

That's just the risk you gotta take. It'll be the same everywhere.

Becoming a clean adventure is basically asking to get scammed and she knows better than that. To aim to become someone like that is stupid for what she has experienced.

You seem to be taking my answers pretty childishly. Not how an intellectual would answer. I'm very disappointed.
If you really think becoming a "clean adventure" is correct, then you're still very naive.

You steal others food, I won't judge you, you steal my food, don't judge me for smacking you in the head.

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