Little girl isn't a prisoner anymore. She's a target of protection. Obviously they'll send her off with someone who is on her side. The other points still apply.
...If you're suggesting that someone should be punished for protecting their own life from a one-sided attack: you're insane.
No, last chapter I was clear that their rules are stupid for
explicitly stating that circumstances don't matter.
But what's
more stupid is that when the rules
explicitly state that circumstances doesn't matter, some higher-up can still willy-nilly decide to ignore that and give ppl they like a free pass (usually dependent on amount of bribes). And then that they can give such a party what should be an extremely high-trust mission, only makes things worse. Particularly as the party normally shouldn't qualify for such a high-trust mission to begin with.
ps: targets of protection are still prisoners. Unless you want to let the escorts to be allowed to have their wards killed, by claiming the ward didn't want to be around them any longer. Especially so as the destination was set by the guild leader, and not by said escort target.