Where the hell are all the actual villains in fantasy/isekai

Jul 23, 2020
Am I the only one that thinks most villains in fantasy/isekai manga are total lazy asses? Like so many are supposed to hate the mc or want to cause pain to them but they barely do much besides maybe a kidnapping or an attack every once in a while. Maybe I'm expecting too much, but I'd love to see a villain that is a proper villain.

For example, hiring archers to shoot at a party member here and there then run away. Or get a corrupt guard to pester them. Maybe get the local urchins or thugs to attack them at night i their sleep. Maybe get local thieves to steal from them. Or get unflattering rumors to spread. Maybe set them up? Or really actually be smart about their role as the bad guy/girl and not be so blatantly obvious. I remember reading a graphic novel a long time ago where the villain stayed in the shadows and fucked with the mc so hard he began to think he was going crazy and felt unwelcome were ever he went. It led to him being so paranoid and cautious, that everyone around him was either scared off him or thought he was crazy.

EDIT: Since comeonnow0 completely missed my point, I'm asking for recommendations.
Jul 23, 2020
I'm aware of many reasons and justifications as of why they wouldn't take out the hero from the beginning or why they don't wear down their mental state etc but I couldn't seem to find a manga with a villain that gets shit done or at least does their job. If you have one I've missed, do let me know.

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