With Her Who Likes My Sister - Vol. 3 Ch. 23 - All Up to Me

Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2020
Wait wtf happened to the whole thing of her mother?

I mean this chap was key to the plot of course with insight to her sister's thoughts.

But the "progression" of this chap from where the picnic chap left off feels weird, as if this chap does not take place chronologically after the last one.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Wait wtf happened to the whole thing of her mother?

I mean this chap was key to the plot of course with insight to her sister's thoughts.

But the "progression" of this chap from where the picnic chap left off feels weird, as if this chap does not take place chronologically after the last one.
I wonder if they knew their time was coming up and it's increasing the pace or something?

So is this chapter alluding to the fact the older sister did indeed have a thing for Kinome?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2018
I wonder if they knew their time was coming up and it's increasing the pace or something?

So is this chapter alluding to the fact the older sister did indeed have a thing for Kinome?
I think it's more like she realized the issues with Akebi, but since Akebi was fixated on her, it was impossible for her to be the one to solve them since otherwise her attempts to do would just end up hurting Akebi and making her feel rejected and make everything worse.
All she could do was do her best to keep Akebi stable until a trustworthy third party party appeared, meaning, Kinome.
Dex-chan lover
May 29, 2019
I think it's more like she realized the issues with Akebi, but since Akebi was fixated on her, it was impossible for her to be the one to solve them since otherwise her attempts to do would just end up hurting Akebi and making her feel rejected and make everything worse.
All she could do was do her best to keep Akebi stable until a trustworthy third party party appeared, meaning, Kinome.
great takeaway!!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
This looks like a 4 volume pacing tbh. So the relationship might start to pick up starting next chapter. Looking forward to it!
Group Leader
Mar 4, 2018
Guh! I want to read more, but I've got to sleep... just one more!

Thanks for the translation~
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2023
Big sister was matchmaking, ship building, sailing the ship before it even was a thing.

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