Oh man, stocks really are one of the most mystifying things in existence. Even the best stock brokers will make a few terrible decisions in their lives.
Stocks of companies that never make a profit is also pretty confusing, but those companies exist because of whatever service of technology they represent. Stock brokers hope that they one day do make a profit, so that they can profit from that.
Success is mostly dependent on good risk management, cutting losses, and letting profits run. Even good stock pickers will have losers, and even though they've done sound analyzing, things might go different from what they should logically. Often when stocks move weirdly, it can be because of technicals analysis, and even though it doesn't make sense, not everything will be based on something fundamental.
For most people investing in broad index funds like VOO or VTI would probably be a better choice of investing than individual stock picks. Or buy some blue chips stocks added with some broad index funds. It's boring but it works.
I've been doing this for a while and the past one and a half year have been rough. Though it's still fun. I mostly invest my money though and trade with smaller amounts, but the things you learn from trading and following the markets are really valuable for knowing how to invest too, so I sort of look at it as tuition. Though it sucked having my trading account down that much I must admit, but still it was money I could afford to lose.