@tkmisere I guess for the purposes of that old, cliched "five senses" thing it would be. That five senses myth is such an ancient thing that the common people back then simply couldn't think rationally enough to recognise what is more than obvious today for the modern human (except flat-earthers).
Difference between saying humans have 5 senses and everything is made by 4 elements (fire/earth/wind/water) is that former holds some truth. Humans do have 5 senses, plus some more. Latter is just plain old belief made out from lack of knowledge.
thats not true though, it actually does make sense in terms of looking at types of nerves and stuff, you essentially do have 5 senses. balance isnt a sense (for this purpose) because its internal and not external.
@banjomarx I fully disagree. I might admit it would be unnecessary to grasp for really thin straws by starting to list how humans can sense their level of blood sugar internally, and other such things, because that information won't really reach the consciousness, at least not more than as a vague "feeling like shit" kind of sense when your homeostasis is out of whack (when you don't even know why it is). However, sense of balance (including acceleration) is something you are aware of to quite a decent level.
All of our major senses are using nerves, so whatever do you mean by "nerves and stuff"? You have a problem with the skin having a whole bunch of nerve endings specialised for different tasks (touch, pain, pressure, stretch, heat, cold)? If you want to group all of them together, at least don't call it touch. Nobody's touching me when I step into a sauna.
Considering my eyesight’s been worsening since I was 11, to the point where now I can only clearly see what’s right in front of my face, I can attest that my other senses, have improved to compensate.
I have a much stronger sense of feeling regarding internal and external stimuli now than I did when I was younger. (I’m rolling the sensing of heat, equilibrium, time, all that into one.)
I also have stronger hearing and smell.
Note 1: That bad habit of squinting I have doesn’t help.
Note 2: Yes, I have glasses, I just don’t wear them enough.