On a realistic note why don't train stations have rails by the tracks? They can't be that expensive and they don't need replacing that often as far as I know.
"Because it costs money and who needs that?"
It is pretty much exactly like it is explained in this manga: It is not directly malicious intent of the non-disabled part of society. It is more that most people only know their own circumstances and don't bother thinking about how somebody else with other circumstances might experience this thing. Therefore in the eyes of the majority, why should money be paid for something "unneeded". That inclusion of more parts of the society is in itself a good thing and worthy of being paid for is a rather modern thinking, at least in those societies I know of. In the past, if you were disabled, that was your problem and now stop bothering the "normal people".
And I have to admit, that I can`t exclude myself from that description, since I also didn't really think about how harmful many parts of our society and architecture is to certain disabilities before I read about it and some article provided examples.
That is why I like this manga so much. It shows this lack of thinking about others and critizes it without making those "bad examples" cartoonishly evil, but rather very human and just self-centered in their thinking.