Yet another manga titles request

Group Leader
Sep 30, 2018

so I've lost my memory on a handful of manga titles. Pretty old ones.

The first manga I'm looking for was a short one, maybe of 3 or 4 chapters, about the carefree life of a little seaside village. It really wasn't much of a deep story, but I liked the characters. I vaguely remember the story of the first chapter being about a girl ruining her love interest' short trunk or something. On another chapter a girl is seeking for supplies on another city of a nearby island and meet a friend, talking about how her village is slowly dying. It wasn't a hentai.
I can hardly remember anything else. Will update if I can remember more.

The other one is a body horror collection of horror stories. In the first chapter, a reporter young girl is investigating on a weird old man, which turns out to be a monster. On another chapter, it's about a nerdy teens making hot fantasy female character that come back to life to avenge their creator of being betrayed by some girl. It had a little "machii girl" kind of feel in it. Fairly sure the title had something like "Biju" in it.

The last one manga is the one I'm the most interested in, and which I just cannot find the name back. It's about a young girl coming along with her freshly divorced dad to her mum's home village. It had a really nice story, with a mystery revolving around the appearance of mermaid, and a strange village tradition of disgusing a young biy as a mermaid, every year.

I can live without the first and second one, but I'd really appreciate anybody to tell me the title of the last one.
Group Leader
Mar 9, 2018
Number 2 might be:
I have no knowledge of the rest.
Mar 29, 2019
Maybe the third one is this one?

Idk if it is tho
Group Leader
Sep 30, 2018
@Irian & @TrulyJia

Thank you a lot, those are the ones I was looking for.
Sorry for the late reply, I was too busy on the last couple days.

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