Yoshimi Seki Horror Collection - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - The Greedy Goddess

Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
Thought the brain transplant was going to be an excuse to get him to kill her mom out of jealousy. Nope, turns out it was totally legit. Refreshing that the main character didn't die or suffer some tragic ironic twist this time though.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2019
Probably the darkest storyline in this collection. This author really likes exploring the horror of being able to perceive, but not act. Another thing I like is that the procedure actually exists. The paranoid person that got people to do things for them was right, and not just manipulating people for sadistic ends! That's actually a very rare occurrence in these works!

The parents of the MC get together again. Not sure how I feel about that. Both of them do bad things (the father cheats on his wife, the mother is arranging to STEAL THE BODY OF HER DAUGHTER), and having them regain some amount of happiness kind of undercuts their failings.

The author is writing here about a struggle for beauty and youth specifically from the female side of things (men and enbies pursue youth and beauty too, ofc, but the experience is a bit different). The story is conventional in terms of settings and characters. That doesn't mean it's bad, but it does result in some pretty conventional archetypes (anorexia/bulimia, plastic surgery, diets, etc.). That might just be horror for you, though. Where would the genre be without archetypes.

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