great callbacks to dima buruku and shin poroku, more of that feeling that the spells being stolen is a setback/obstacle first and foremost and not a character reset, our demons may have lost the big guns they'd gotten at the end of the first series but they didnt lose that dog in them they got, so far both zatch and kanchome fights have been done amazingly, and now that they've been reunited at long last i cant wait to see how they interact after so long as a reader.
Big time
I loved the justification as to why he can just, perfectly control non-human bodies, is that of all characters, Kanchome's abilities were tied closest to his capacity to think in creative and odd directions. If this series were an entirely new title, it would feel like such an ass pull, but we have consistently seen Kanchome stuck with some of the worst spells, with the biggest handicaps, and have to figure out how to use them optimally. So once he got the handle on his new abilities, of course, of all people, he would be able to best use it.
Just, full agreement, its so gratifying to see, that the important talents and skills they developed are still there. The spells weren't the only thing made them dangerous, it was their teamwork and ingenuity. And that's just great writing, to make that all so believable.