Zombie Apocalypse 82-08 - Ch. 5

Active member
Sep 6, 2019
Probably one of the worst zombie titles I have read so far. it feels like the zombies are the only things that make sense. the korean mafia stops a higly secured truck with just a few metal rods and knives. guards are too stupid to call for help and to shoot, the truck driver leaves the truck even tho thats the last thing you do, the fricking last guy gives away the code and these mafia guys dont even have explosives(or rifles/pistols to begin with). why are you wasting so much time with looking inside the truck(and get trapped by one of your people) when you have a task to complete? load the fricking fridges and piss off. such a dumb way to put in some action. the main mafia guy(for the story) has trouble fighting a 21(?) yo in a restaurant but has no problem fighting off zombies (even with a broken arm later on).

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