Recent content by austinclimbing

  1. austinclimbing

    Isshiki-san wa Koi wo shiritai. - Vol. 5 Ch. 26 - Rokutanda Meishi Has An Encounter

    Translation quality went up SO much with this chapter!
  2. austinclimbing

    Isshiki-san wa Koi wo shiritai.

    Grateful this is up, but the current translation is very bad making it tough to read
  3. austinclimbing

    Boku no Tsuma wa Hattatsu Shougai

    So awful in its depiction of ADHD that it’s genuinely funny how bad it is
  4. austinclimbing

    [Rouhou] Ore no Iinazuke ni Natta Jimiko, Ie de wa Kawaii Shika nai.

    translation needs a bit of work, very awkward in places and makes the story harder to follow
  5. austinclimbing

    Ability to filter within your own library

    Adding advanced search functionality within your own library. Both as a binary “in library or not” and also as a library status “plan to read” vs not. User story/use case: as a reader I want to be able to search for comedies with a rating of 8 or higher that are in my plan to read section.
  6. austinclimbing

    I'm Nearly 30, but This Is My First Love - Vol. 3 Ch. 28

    Translation felt really awkward tbh