For what it's worth:
(on the) title
bark! bark!
no abnormalities!
「小?? ハッピー」
(couldn't make this part out) happy
short skit
Poponyo Hunting
It's not parsed as [じゃパン]と[ポテトチップス] but rather [じゃ][パンとポテトチップス]. The じゃ just means "then" in the sense of "alright then" or "in that case". It's a less formal derivative of では.
But yeah, if you like japan puns:
Nothing like that happens again and the author has desperately backtracked on that character; it's been a really cozy series ever since. It feels like she was just trying to demonstrate how demi cultural norms might be totally different from human ones, but all of the readers are humans, so.
ズルい does have the same connotations of using cheap/unfair tactics, but not necessarily the implication that it takes no skill to pull off? "Artless" or "too straightforward" could convey the meaning, but it feels appropriate that a gamer girl would use gaming lingo.
Yeah I'm not sure that was the intended meaning... I interpret it more like he's trying to be considerate of her privacy by not discussing something so personal with third parties:
"Taking into consideration Kujaku-senpai's feelings, I can't indiscreetly talk to other people about something...