Recent content by DreamChaser

  1. DreamChaser

    Concerning the US Protests and Our Rules

    So the one that really messed me up when I found out about it was Elijah McClain's case. There's a video going around showing him arriving at a surprise birthday party, and something about him reminded me of kids I used to go to high school with. (The video's here...
  2. DreamChaser

    Angel Densetsu - Vol. 10 Ch. 49 - Ikuno's Confession

    @Vickyboi Yep! Claymore's quite different, but Ikuno and Clare have similar designs and a somewhat similar set of character traits. (And a young boy who gets attached to them in a possibly-romantic way.)
  3. DreamChaser

    Angel Densetsu - Vol. 10 Ch. 49 - Ikuno's Confession

    This is one of the most heartwarming chapters. I can't help squeeing through Ikuno's simple, straightforward confession that she likes everyone. I know she's basically a Clare prototype, but I love her so much.
  4. DreamChaser

    Nounai Poison Berry

    Man, I really like this. I can't believe no one's picked it up after all these years. It's Setona Mizushiro, for crying out loud.
  5. DreamChaser


    This was so sweet. I'm glad they ran away together.
  6. DreamChaser

    A Life

    Is it propaganda if it's accurate? Factory farming sucks.
  7. DreamChaser

    The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess

    Oh, man, found family with a warrior woman and her giant, protective son. I hope Leslie's got a bright future ahead of her.
  8. DreamChaser

    Kiss Me Princess

    That's the same as the Netcomics one MangaDex links to! Netcomics publishes most of their series on both their website and Kindle.
  9. DreamChaser

    MangaDex Suggested Features: Megathread

    I'd like to suggest allowing us to search our MDList by demographic. I know we can search by tag, but sometimes I'm just generally in the mood for shoujo/seinen/etc. without any specific type in mind.
  10. DreamChaser

    MangaDex Suggested Features: Megathread

    I'd like the ability to have a specific "favourites list" as well as a completed list, for the sake of being able to quickly find the manga that I've enjoyed most to reread or share with others. I apologize if there's already a custom/favourites list feature I haven't noticed, but I couldn't...
  11. DreamChaser

    Rumspringa no Joukei

    The atmosphere in this is lovely. I can see it becoming a favourite.
  12. DreamChaser

    Witch Hat Atelier

    The first volume of the official translation is out! ;-;