One key point of context that should be considered, if they did kill him, the village probably wouldn't take it lying down that they murdered the village chief. Also, are villagers going to buy that he has been an assassin for decades?
Currently, the end of Chapter 116 of the Manwha is at the very start of Chapter 111 of the novel. There is still one more story arc in the novel before the time skip at the end of Chapter . I suspect the Manwha will reach the time skip around the end of Chapter .
I have to ask as this discussion is confusing without clarification, doesn't gay or straight refer to sexual attraction and not love per say? I see "love" to be a general term because (as far I can remember) English doesn't have a specific word for each different kind of love. The main modifier...
Wait, if Arnold ended her 6th life and she she started her 7th, doesn't that mean that she just bumped in to him a couple of minutes after he killed her?
I think this is the latest manga chapter (as in the translation is up to date). The manga story is currently in Volume 3 and the LN has 10 volumes so far.