Recent content by Henryvolt

  1. H

    Red Blue - Ch. 146

    You know I figured Aoba would end up breaking someone's arm at some point but I was hoping it would happen in his upcoming fight. Unintentionally retiring Yamamoto. It be the perfect payback for his mentor and it would make him into a bit of a dark horse.
  2. H

    Red Blue - Ch. 146

    That manager seems like the type of boss who'd tell you for years to "work hard and you'll get a promotion one day." Only for him to plan to never do that because you're too good at the job you already do.
  3. H

    Red Blue - Ch. 145 - Creepy Question

    Starting to see Aobas point when it comes to Kenshin, the guy is passive aggressively smug. Kind of makes me want to see his b*tch ass get knocked down a peg.
  4. H

    Red Blue - Ch. 132 - What I want to Say

    "I guess that's worth some praise" is such a backhanded complement.