Recent content by iforgotmeword

  1. I

    Kachime ga Nai no wa Ore dake ka! - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - The Person I Like

    that is a funny series of events that got to hurt tho and also tag where?
  2. I

    Saihate no Paladin - Vol. 10 Ch. 47

    time to necropost =D (hey that fits in with this chapter) but yea I agree the use of Isekai and reincarnation makes the story better but for a different reason being the ground point for morals allowing us (readers) to better get infested in the world/character faster sometimes I feel a...
  3. I

    Nan Hao & Shang Feng - Ch. 92 - Escape Room 01

    “Stop flare dancing and get me the fuck out of here”
  4. I

    Robo Maid ga Kanjou Yutaka ni Naru Hanashi

    everywhere I go I see it horny fox girl translator but really why is it everywhere I go? and why is it always horny?
  5. I

    Iroiro Ushinatta TS Ko.

    Uhhh is it just me or is the translator kind just horny
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    Kojika TF Shorts

    what the hell is this? when the hell was this made? who the hell made this? WHY the hell did they make this? where the hell can I remove this from my brain?
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    Ore no Imouto ga Saikou no Okazudatta

    nope wasn't I losing my mind at the story itself (I've seen worse way worse) it was more that it was tagged AS "suggestive" (guess who reported it) and was ON THE FRONT PAGE typically porn and erotica are hidden from people unless you turn them on (i like to read settings for some reason and...
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    Kurumida-senpai no Guttara Kawaii Himitsu - Ch. 1

    not the newest idea but let’s see how they change this up
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    Ore no Imouto ga Saikou no Okazudatta

    japan you are going to need an other rising sun alright
  10. I

    Smoking Behind the Supermarket with You

    Yea it pretty good Just don’t pick up smoking it expensive
  11. I

    A Girl Who Becomes a Baby Fox with Mother's Breast Milk - Oneshot

    …… why? what? who? Know what I don’t want to know
  12. I

    The Fragrant Flower Blooms With Dignity

    Who cares who was first. This manga is cute it's like Horimiya but with more uhhhhh, yea it's like Horimiya so you know it's good just read it. If you are on the border if you like/want something like Horimiya just bloody read it.