Her mom's family should have adopted her and taken her away from this trash of family. She is Cinderella. All she needs is somebody who will see her true worth.
Aquila hasn't given up on lamia's happiness even after trying so many times. The number of times her name is etched on his body is unbearable to see. I want him to find his happiness. I don't care if they don't end up together. But give that man peace of mind. He has watched his...
It felt nice reading the story from his point of view. Some fluff some hurt. He deserves Leah and some happiness that comes with a good romance. ❣️❣️❣️
✴️I don't like the plot device that is her mom. She was absent since the start and suddenly she's here and what's more she's one of the wealthiest people? Does that matter? Plus the emperor why is he taking so long to contact her family. He already asked her to marry him and got an affirmative...
This is the webtoon I had been looking for all this time. This is exactly the kind of shit that gives me butterflies. I am so glad that they are together and the love is real
I mean. All she wanted was a complement. And if you can't give her that when she looks drop dead gorgeous. You should stay away from her while she sets her head straight
I pity orpheus.... Even after he did his best at communicating. His wife ran from him. And then he went to another man's house to look for her and she won't even return with him. I just wanted Ophelia to return home when it started raining. Because that's the most sensible thing to do. Go home...
.... He said "uh oh" DUDE ARE YOU KIDDING ME.... seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UH OH? If you came to the conclusion that Chancellor might be behind this.. GET TO WORK..