Recent content by kohakusan

  1. K

    Nezumi no Hatsukoi - Ch. 25 - The Fourth Person.

    Okay I didn't expect Ao to kill Messiah, that was pretty good
  2. K

    HadaCamera - Vol. 4 Ch. 32 - Continuous shooting

    This should have ended when he got the girl, it's getting dumber by the chapter lol
  3. K

    Juujika no Rokunin - Ch. 167 - Returning The Favor

    I can't believe this is 7.7 yet, sure it was nice for the first arc then it's really bad after that. I just enjoy hate reading this
  4. K

    BLADE & BASTARD - Vol. 2 Ch. 8.2

    Thank you so much for the translation! This series is really good
  5. K

    Minasama ni wa Jinken ga Gozaimasen - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

    That's exactly what I was expecting lol but I guess he just wants to see everything in chaos, being an extreme thrill seeker
  6. K

    My Hero Academia - Ch. 422 - Izuku Midoriya Rising

    Goddammit, all this Ganbare scenes always make me emotional, especially in the climax like this
  7. K

    Kichiku Eiyuu - Vol. 8 Ch. 62

    Hopefully Kiryu or Majima Goro will make a cameo XD
  8. K

    Maria no Danzai - Ch. 24 - A Complete Mess

    That was so dumb, the guy could easily beat the kid, the photo made him mad, not stupid
  9. K

    DARLING in the FRANXX - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    I just started reading this and I thought the exact same lol
  10. K

    Black Clover - Ch. 371 - Indestructible Souls

    Dude, she becoming a flame spirit would be awesome
  11. K

    Chainsaw Man - Ch. 162 - Fearsome

    Dude, please stop, YOU ARE SO SMART reading this SUPER BIG BRAIN MANGA, Oh my GOD, that's just too much smartness for one person, you deserve a Nobel prize for fanboys. This puts Humunkulus, Vagabond, Monster, Blade of the Immortal and FMA to SHAME, incredible writing
  12. K

    Chainsaw Man - Ch. 162 - Fearsome

    Oh god so smart duuuude, keep going HUGE BRAIN, yes I can't remember characters from years ago from the first part before it stopped for months, is it Generic Black-Haired Character A or was it Generic Black-Haired Character B? As if this part is not enough of a confusing mess lol
  13. K

    Chainsaw Man - Ch. 162 - Fearsome

    Oh so smart as if this is such a big brain manga and not just bad at writing on this second part lol