Chapter 14 he finds this temple hidden against mountains. It's completely void inside. After he meets and conquers Zero Venitas (by hitting her with a literal cumshot as if it's a waterfall dropping for the first time, giving her that name, he then manipulates it into a dungeon. He made it, got...
Newest chapter brings a little intrigue to the background, but man does it suffer from execution and drive. Especially on the ridiculousness of having the power to teleport them as he pleases. Still hardly see this as NTR revenge, though. There are more complicated doujins out there with better...
What in the fuck is this? I'm not talking about the chapter, talking about this snipe. The fuck are you doing? Drop your bullshit and find a series that ISN'T already being translated.
rigando80, what the fuck are you doing?
Would you kindly find a different series that doesn't have a translation instead?
There's already too many MTL's popping up. Doesn't matter if you're using Google Translate, Bing, deepL or whatever else is out there. Using one is bad enough. Multiple can help you get by. But for the love of the...
People acting so starved for the chapter they'll lap up a shitty MTL that promotes their patreon. Kodansha struck down other series fan scans in the past when it had ongoing simulpubs.