Recent content by majorfluffybacon

  1. majorfluffybacon

    The Ghost Doctor - Ch. 7

    seen enough movies and other medical manga to know that hes gonna have to stab him to release the built up air in the chest cavity because of the tension pneumothorax. MC gonna freak out cause he has to stab someone and the body guards are gonna freak out because the person they are suppose to...
  2. majorfluffybacon

    Mercenary Enrollment - Ch. 19

    @raven10101010 true peace can only be achieved if he takes over the whole world. looks like his next mission is world domination! thats the only way to see his sister safe.
  3. majorfluffybacon

    Shin no Nakama janai to Yuusha no Party wo Oidasareta node, Henkyou de Slow Life suru Koto ni shimashita - Vol. 1 Ch. 0

    @Sylfaen exactly! Since it takes knights there entire like just to get to lvl 30 and this dude is lvl 46 like bruuh. seems like your stronger than everyone except heroes. I call BS he'd known since hes been born that he was to guide the heroes and you dont know how to fight? lets say hes like...
  4. majorfluffybacon

    Second Life Ranker - Vol. 1 Ch. 60

    @crossex well in the chapter where it showed the evolution of the ghost skeleton to the lich. it looks the same just with better clothes.
  5. majorfluffybacon

    Second Life Ranker - Vol. 1 Ch. 60

    it looks like the egg hatched into a bigger egg XD
  6. majorfluffybacon

    Second Life Ranker - Vol. 1 Ch. 40

    So the castle MC destroyed on the tutorial is a place that normal people can go when the tutorial isnt ongoing? and i thought the tutorial resets the map and stuff but they said they been doing it for years.
  7. majorfluffybacon

    SSS-Class Suicide Hunter - Vol. 1 Ch. 24

    Bruh unless i missed something im pretty sure he doesnt have the power to kill anyone in that room. so i pretty much think hes gonna choose some goddess one
  8. majorfluffybacon

    Jungle Juice - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    all they show are highly mobile or winged insects. im pretty sure there should be some caterpillar and they would be slow af and our MC could at least out run them
  9. majorfluffybacon

    I Stack Experience Through Reading Books - Ch. 26

    uhh i dont think martial arts = rock climbing. probably should of learned rock climbing techniques from the book first.
  10. majorfluffybacon

    I Stack Experience Through Reading Books - Ch. 25

    bruuuuh why you gotta do your dad like that? you dont think he likes sleeping in a bed too? youre strong enough to carry him. dont be rude
  11. majorfluffybacon

    I Stack Experience Through Reading Books - Ch. 4

    what happens if he studies to become a sumo wrestler? will he become fat?
  12. majorfluffybacon

    SSS-Class Revival Hunter - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    @8484439 more like mission failed successfully. also sidenote kinda dumb (but funny for this scenario) that it still counts suicide towards amount of people killed.
  13. majorfluffybacon

    Dungeon Reset - Ch. 62

    if he aims for spots that doesnt have muscles couldnt he just aim for the skull and 1 shot everything by destroying their brain
  14. majorfluffybacon

    From the Grave and Back - Ch. 15

    thanks for the multi release. its a christmas miracle :D hopefully he remembers the infinite money cheat code. uhh i meant password to his old bank account.
  15. majorfluffybacon

    From the Grave and Back - Ch. 5

    man just when the MC was about to slam the store owner. figuratively speaking but literally would be awesome too