Recent content by StarixCrown

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    Anemone - Oneshot

    Nice, I could read 100 of these
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    Berserk - Vol. 41 Ch. 362 - Phantasm

    see you guys in 3 months, atleast we have had a consisted release date for the past few chapters
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    Coffin Jackson - Ch. 40 - Last Episode

    In before it gets deleted again. At least I managed to read thr whole thing this time. Ending felt a little lackluster with how little the payout was
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    Mone-san no Majime Sugiru Tsukiaikata - Vol. 3 Ch. 23 - Group Study Part 2

    @DISCO_BOT you are either a wimp or still underage. That how most of us lost their virginity lmao
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    Kowloon Generic Romance - Vol. 3 Ch. 19

    Ok so is she a clone or a cyborg ?
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    Gaishuu Isshoku - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - Confrontation

    @FgoSegul the only reason I still read this is that I dont have to spend a dime reading this hate inducing trash
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    Gaishuu Isshoku - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - Confrontation

    @WillLi nice headcanon there buddy, if any romance comes out of this it would be a complete asspull and pure fanservice cus fans are raging
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    Gaishuu Isshoku - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - Confrontation

    why not let him continue? He brings some good points to the table @WillLi mc never did something so shitty to her that it ruined her relationship with others, much less her parents . She cherry picked the truth thats most convenient for her. She failed to mention that she basically black mails...
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    Fechippuru - Bokura no Innocent Love - Vol. 5 Ch. 62 - Chapter 62

    Dont listen to this salty dogs the translation is fine if a little on the rough side
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    That's My Atypical Girl - Vol. 4 Ch. 31 - One Step at a Time...

    @crossrook thats not exactly a good analogy , while high blood pressure is a condition depression is more of a hormonal imbalance
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    Mato Seihei no Slave - Vol. 5 Ch. 36 - The 7th Unit's Spirit

    3 chapters for this bullshit fight and the demons did fuck all
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    Ore ga Tobacco wo Yamenai Riyuu - Oneshot

    @sarsak yeah, bitch ruined his fag
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    Fechippuru - Bokura no Innocent Love - Vol. 4 Ch. 42 - Kotoka’s Revenge

    @bhoommy17430 What weak pathetic human being is Tatsu
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    Meguro-san wa Hajimete ja Nai - Vol. 4 Ch. 27 - Watch where you're going

    @edwardlou thats just coping with the truth, everyone was there to get a piece of pussy then bounce