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  • I really want to translate a 5 page manga, but I do not know japanese(only a bit) and I am inconfident to actually ask people to help translate or find people.
    Since it's November 1st, that means I have no more games to grind cause Halloween events, which also means my dopamine will be low as fuck.
    100 more messages till 1000 messages for me! I wonder if it's possible to get 2k messages next year...

    Anyway, here's a song I liked, and looks pretty good.
    Today around 5 PM CDT, I went to my about page and my discord status banner doesn't seem to change and the other image I had wasn't showing (instead the generic image X thing), doesn't wanna change at all today on two accounts I tried it on. Strange.
    Not a big deal though.
    We enabled image proxying to ensure that people can't have their IP addresses leaked by malicious embeds (which would log all access IPs), which means that images don't get refreshed ad-nauseam and a cached version fetched by our servers is displayed instead (so embedded image hosts only see our IPs, not that of users). It's a bit unfortunate of a side-effect but alas.

    We added a couple of site exclusions for "known-safe" hosts, but "" (the host of your image) is not someone we can trust for sure alas.
    Makes sense, I was thinking it was a side effect of something you guys added since it wasn't happening yesterday after all.
    I didn't think people could get their IP leaked by just having embeds on Mangadex. That's fine/understandable with the discord one, it's not really something important after all and something you can't just trust for certain.

    Good thing to know though.
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