Recent content by toshiNARI

  1. toshiNARI

    Futago Complex - Vol. 2 Ch. 21 - Part 21

    @justforthelulz shhhh, they’re not supposed to know about female Ao yet
  2. toshiNARI

    Majo-senpai Nippou - Vol. 2 Ch. 40

    Thanks for picking this up (haha I didn't even know we got sniped). Life has been rough lately so honestly I think it's for the best someone else finished this series. Apologies, and thanks again. (The end is near. Let's hope it ends in fluff.) -toshiNARI
  3. toshiNARI

    Hinmin Choujin Kanenashi-kun

    @dangkhoahue Thanks for your support! I feel you on that rough semester. Good luck on your future studies!
  4. toshiNARI

    Hinmin Choujin Kanenashi-kun - Vol. 2 Ch. 23

    @smashman42 that’s more or less what’s been happening lately. Hopefully winter break will give me some time to really push chapters out (my old release schedule was kind of crazy looking back on it, lol nearly 5 chaps a week). I probably won’t go back full force but weekly releases will be a...
  5. toshiNARI

    Futago Complex - Vol. 2 Ch. 20

    @Werducc thanks! I appreciate it.
  6. toshiNARI

    Futago Complex - Vol. 2 Ch. 20

    @CBFlap I own volume 2. It doesn't really feel like it's headed towards the incest direction. Or at least I don't think it'll be an incest ending.
  7. toshiNARI

    Futago Complex - Vol. 2 Ch. 20

    @Akikako wasn't me; someone must've edited it.
  8. toshiNARI

    Futago Complex - Vol. 2 Ch. 20

    @justforthelulz she’s got a whole collection box full of em
  9. toshiNARI

    Hinmin Choujin Kanenashi-kun - Vol. 2 Ch. 23

    Always a pleasure
  10. toshiNARI

    Hinmin Choujin Kanenashi-kun - Vol. 2 Ch. 23

    @AProunds while that would’ve been much funnier, I decided to stay more accurate to the original which does literally say Po*y in katakana (ポ○キー).
  11. toshiNARI

    Futago Complex

    @Draggador It will be available for e-print on Nov 26th; rest assure I will be buying it the moment it comes out! I can finally continue this series.
  12. toshiNARI

    Policewoman and Assassin - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - action. 5

    @genR she says 串カステラ (kushi castella) It's a type of sweet snack sold at Dagashiya (old-time candy shops). I honestly just transliterated it, probably should've put Kushi Castella but it sounded too much like kush.
  13. toshiNARI

    Majo-senpai Nippou

    toshiNARI here (current TLer of this manga) Nothing too important, just wanted to mention despite the romaji title being "Majo-senpai Nichijou", it is actually "Majo-senpai Nippou". The kanji sound similar but look entirely different. "Nichijou" (日常) means "Daily Life", while "Nippou" (日報) means...