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  • Guess who's gonna go cope tonight? I ran out of sanity, origium, and orundum. 4 hours of grinding.
    This was my last pull for this banner, 285, I was praying for ch'en, but SHE invaded. ggs i guess

    • meguuusad
    Reactions: Doedoel
    For context, I ran out of stages to get origium for, and I bought all yellow tickets prior, so there's no way for me to get ch'en currently without paying(which I won't).
    So long, Ejyalter,
    My effort did not bear fruit,
    The Gao was too strong...
    I thinking of just using my roblox character from now on as my icons, I ran out of good arknights icons for my MD.
    I mean, I am also out of actual cash to pay someone to draw some more arknights bullshit for icons. lol
    • Thinking
    Reactions: BakedBanana
    I didn't know that Mafumafu was married to Rushia, honestly. When I was in middle school, I regularly listened to Mafumafu and Soraru, so this really is a shock to me. As for taking stances, I'll wait a while.
    200 pulls, still no ch'en.
    I'll keep going till pity.
    Soon, we'll be reunited.

    Also, I got fartooth twice already back to back lol


    To be quite honest
    I don't have Chalter either...
    must be scared of Ling.
    Buggy multiplayer Infernum + Constant fps drops + Fargo's soul mod + Calamity = 300 hours+ of my life.
    But hey, I got 1k hours now. (Am I cool yet?)

    • Drink
    Reactions: BakedBanana
    1000h and not even all achievements smh my ass
    Haven't played 1.4+ on regular Terraria.
    I am also not gonna become a slave for that angler, he's not gonna get any achievements or hours out of me. Fuck the angler.
    I swear, I cannot find a good roblox artist that doesn't have ridiculous prices for a full body + background. (or maybe I am being cheap)
    I like the theme of this, looks nice. (Ignore the light mode + cat cursor)
    • Like
    Reactions: Tony_Mushah
    I forgot to post the link to the theme.

    You can find it here(<-link) for BDiscord, Vencord or Replugged. You can also customize the theme with some commands too!
    I swear, I want to punt people who give me dumbs. (It gives me less dopamine + disappointment, no hate intended though.)
    I might just take my anger out in roblox studio, make an animation and just put the people's icons punting it.
    Why not both? I deserve dumbs for thinking digging a hole = sex, honestly.
    Not gonna lie, If you are that motivated enough to use alt acc to make a revenge for a dumb reaction then idk what I can say to you other than maybe touch grass more. Not gonna keep playing this dumb game anymore, so have fun to dumb emotes all my old comments.
    I think you should touch grass buddy, if you give someone a "dumb reaction" for not wanting to read 63 pages.
    I changed my icon to torment you even more, it's not revenge. It's entertainment for me.
    Simply redact your bonk and I'll redact mine, a peace agreement for now.
    Today, I tried out using a draw tablet for fun, I think I'll still prefer using a mouse.
    Well, I would try that but... I have no where to put away my mouse or really plug in a drawing tablet to my pc, I am using my brother's pc since his desk is bigger and cleaner(My desk is taken up by a mini fridge and crates + smaller dw). Though that does sound like a nice tip lol
    art tablet take a lot of getting used to it ngl took me a few months when i first got it cuz i was accustomed to drawing with my finger lmao. it'll become more fun once you do more messing around with the pen pressure. may i ask what kinda tablet it is? like screenless? mine is a super cheap screenless one but it is reliable af
    I hope it doesn't take months for me to get used to it, my attention span is COOKED so I usually get side-tracked, plus it really isn't my pc so I have to roll around to get to my computer, which causes me to forget quickly. lol

    Also, all I know it's an xp pen tablet. I cannot remember which due to it being around 2 years or more. It was recently fixed (a few months ago) when my cat dropped it and it landed on it's back, and somehow the screen flicker was fixed... Magic ig. lmao
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