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  1. Albwin

    The Haiku Thread

    Do think about it: Three kinds of characters are well found in manga. Hetero-, Homo-, Bisexuals. Only no asexuals there. No protagonists at least. I haven't seen yet such to be the case.
  2. Albwin

    The Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai (One Hundred Ghost Stories) Thread

    @mrguest That's the idea of this thread and the Japanese tradition behind it. Although, in my case, I have started this thread because I both like some pleasant scares (only reading this by daylight, though) and am interested what kind of tales will come about and whether they have obvious or...
  3. Albwin

    Happy 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing!

    Moon trivia? Well then: Neil Armstrong is known to have said: "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky!" while walking on the moon but that's really only an urban legend. For those who don't know: When Armstrong was a child, according to the legend he heard the wife of his neighbor Mr. Gorsky complain that he...
  4. Albwin

    Last Letter Game

  5. Albwin

    The Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai (One Hundred Ghost Stories) Thread

    Title: The Countess of Orlamünde - a ghost origin story from Germany Author: Brothers Grimm, translated and retold by Albwin Story Number: 1
  6. Albwin

    The Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai (One Hundred Ghost Stories) Thread

    Inspired by the already existing Haiku Thread I decided to bring another Japanese tradition to MangaDex, the Collection of One Hundred Ghost Stories or rather Supernatural Stories. This is a Japanese tradition that came out of use after the Edo Period but is interesting nonetheless. So...
  7. Albwin

    The Haiku Thread

    Quiero escribir Haiku in vielen Sprachen. J'ai fait que j'ai dit. Just a little test, multiligually and just done for some fun. "I want to write" the first line says in Spanish starting the haiku. Next German: "Haiku in many languages." It's the central message. French to end it all. "I have...
  8. Albwin

    The Haiku Thread

    Haiku creation can become addicting when you write them daily. In some aspects though rhyming remains easier. Both meddles your brain. Don't overdo it lest you start thinking always in haiku or rhymes. @EOTFOFYL: Having written some I now can understand why you started this thread.
  9. Albwin

    The Haiku Thread

    Imagine the shock! Another new site unasked to me just appeared. Virus warning shown, all in all quite dubious. Thus I closed it fast. Now the virus scan is running on my PC. Hopefully all well. The second scan though. The first said all was OK, but sure to be sure.
  10. Albwin

    The Haiku Thread

    Manga reader sites lack only this one thing: no ink and paper scent.
  11. Albwin

    shitpost here

    @ABCsOfLife Traditional mythology is even crazier. In some traditional vampire myths the deceased husband comes to rape his own wife (rather a reason for necrophobia than necrophilia if you ask me), begetting a child that is born without even a single bone in its body. Compared to living out...
  12. Albwin

    The Haiku Thread

    Allow me to tell you a curious thing you wouldn't ever know since only the ones affected themselves would tend to realize this. If you are sitting in a wheelchair and you do drive with it yourself instead of simply being pushed by a helper, you use the hand rims attached to the wheels. But...
  13. Albwin

    The Haiku Thread

    Dark is the night now. Tiredness weighs down on me. My bed is calling.
  14. Albwin

    Last Letter Game

  15. Albwin

    The Haiku Thread

    I have taken on myself the challenge to write a haiku story. All syllables fit. If something should be off, the only thing to blame is my incorrect pronunciation of words. But as I am no native in either please be merciful and please enjoy the story: Once upon a time there had been a dragon...
  16. Albwin

    The Haiku Thread

    @Plonz. It is my bad, as you were in the right. My haiku thus lacks. I will change it soon Wrong things shouldn't remain. Look again if you like. @EOTFOFYL I wish to thank you as well. Now I know better.
  17. Albwin

    The Haiku Thread

    @plonz Do you see? The first line had five vowels: Sum-mer e-ve-ning. Another mistake, for that are syllables, but it was no lie though.
  18. Albwin

    The Haiku Thread

    Evening in summer. The beautiful sky looks like old papyrus scrolls.
  19. Albwin

    The Person Above You Thread!

    @Markgraf once decided to make his username a reality(?), set up an imaginary country in a dream and took control of the border regions following the new king's edict, thus ending up a margrave (German: Markgraf) for many years. History ultimately knows of him him as the margrave who didn't even...
  20. Albwin

    What are the stories behind your username and avatar.

    My username was something I chose with the fact in mind that I am both a fan of mythology and history and have a particular fondness for manga with mythological themes. Thus I came up with "Albwin", an Old High German name with the meaning of "elf friend" that came out of use sometime during the...