@satue @Meepster teethjob is when you use your dick to brush her teeth, just focusing on teeth instead of shoving it in mouth/blowjob.,
It's quite rare, and mainly have Loli genre
I see thank you very much guys for the advice, the meme will stay as long as I get good reference, I'll also tone down the weebs language except yabai and sugoi and some useful ones, and I wouldn't use croot again to make it less cringey.,
@Llamapolice https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/6957790
@Whysosalty Gigolo is another name for Male Prostitute
1. I use niconico release order
2. Fast release, I don't have time to TL whole chapter(except weekend)
3. I can use the title to make a joke
@deadrabbits I know, but i won't stop
Saya selaku TL bahasa Inggris menyatakan nomer 3 gan.,
Bodo amat sama watermark, yg penting bisa tetap lanjut menyebarkan kegoblokan secara internasional.,
so, im planning to translate this series up ahead the official translation, cause there's soo many raw n i simply love this series.,
i'm sorry if its not as good as the Official translate, but please enjoy it.,
seriously guys, are you hoping for sex scene and sexual violence every chapter??
this is not the kind of manga that will satisfy your pp like doujin in Holy Land