If I'm remembering correctly this is about 3~ish episodes from the anime then the movie and from that only LN and manga continue the story, idk how much advanced is the LN compared to the manga tho
Oh fuck
Maybe nothing happens
Or terrible scenario she gets fucked and becomes a vampire
Or it becomes a "protect the mc" situation
Or worst possible scenario she dies
Right now the story is all over the place and there is barely any signs of point a to point b line,but it looks promising just needs some type of pace and line to follow
This is like when in those hentais the girl gets rapped so much she loses it and ends up liking it, expect it's 2guys and 1 is a trap LULW This is just gonna go down hill from here
Everybody losing it when they don't remember that person was already taking those pills, they weren't perma and impossible this is ending in chapter 100, it's simply just gonna be a arc
Finally this bitch gets he was just desperate and full of despair (mc) like ATLEAST he didn't try to rape her, just did a kinda bad confession and now both characters have been reformed PogU