@obsidianpassion Hmm... I guess that's how 4 people find happiness? i've no idea xD
@CrimsonManga89 Happiness is De Way!
@Takaflame Lul !
@xines The cultural man above this ^ recommended it to me xD lol. But it's been ages since I've read any ever since Sweet Guy xD Care to recommend some? =3
@Vasqueztion NANI?! Who're the girls in the pic again? If I'm not wrong, the left is Rin from Fate Stay Night? who's on the right ( blonde ) ?
Edit: @Sempol Calm down that stallion! xD or buy a stretchy trousers like Daa-san that won't break!
@Xcaliblaster He'll need to whip out his TRUE exaliber or borrow your xcali-blaster if he wants to confront her father xD
@Orcbolg You said it best!
@phil777 Of course it's gotto be Ryza! I don't have long hair like Klaudia nor the "volume" of Serii though xD
@sif_sif You're welcome Pichu...