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  1. DrHizzle

    Kamibukuro-kun wa Koishiteru - Vol. 2 Ch. 15.4 - Pixiv Extra

    Pixie cut ✓ Tomboyish ✓ Good friend ✓ Has my heart ✓
  2. DrHizzle

    The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You - Vol. 6 Ch. 42 - Just a Totally Normal and Average Hair Styling Chapter

    @Superoniichan Wait, are you looking to read it? I thought you already had considering you commented on the last chapter. Alright, in a nutshell: Pretty much the only thing this manga shares with To Love Ru is the rather large harem size. The MCs couldn't be any more different. The MC of this...
  3. DrHizzle

    The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You - Vol. 6 Ch. 42 - Just a Totally Normal and Average Hair Styling Chapter

    @Superoniichan Na, this is far better than To love ru. Rentarou is 100x better than Rito, and the comedy in this manga is top notch, while To Love Ru was pretty lacking in that department. Also for the most part this manga isn't really that... horny, this chapter (and the oyakodon duo) aside...
  4. DrHizzle

    Omoi ga Omoi Omoi-san - Vol. 2 Ch. 38 - Normal is the Best

    @RedOnYellow I mean, yea high school boys are horny af but that doesn't mean all of them only think with their dick, nor should it be seen as normal and acceptable to do so. Even as a teen you should be mature enough to be able to have a rational thought about who you're interested in instead of...
  5. DrHizzle

    Meika-san wa Oshikorosenai - Vol. 2 Ch. 19 - Meika-san and Confused Heart

    @abedeus Yea I blocked them a few months ago. Best decision ever.
  6. DrHizzle

    The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You

    This is one of the few manga that gets a laugh out of me every chapter. It definitely helps that Xun and the previous TLs, Jaiminis box, have done such a great job with the emotion of each bubble. That's a hard thing to do right, but they've done a fantastic job. I'm pretty sure if we ever get...
  7. DrHizzle

    Kamibukuro-kun wa Koishiteru - Vol. 2 Ch. 12

    Alright they're too fucking precious. Also, dude put way more thought into the gift he wanted to give. When I was a little kid I just gave the girl I liked a toy stegosaurus because I really liked it and thought "oh hey, she will too!".
  8. DrHizzle

    Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu - Vol. 5 Ch. 58.3 - Extra Chapter

    @tatherwood considering their positions in regards to the text bubbles and the writing style of the bubbles, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be Yamada asking when Ichi goes to sleep at first, and Ichi saying that they're way past 11:30. I just couldn't see Ichi saying "Late! Bad kid", but I...
  9. DrHizzle

    Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu - Vol. 5 Ch. 58.3 - Extra Chapter

    @trog Also like, he does joke around with her? Even in this one panel extra we can see he teases her for being up past her supposed bedtime. The guy's just nervous and has to break out of his shell.
  10. DrHizzle

    Ookii Kouhai wa Suki Desu ka? - Vol. 3 Ch. 32 - What did the Girl (Kouhai) do to the Excavated Treasure...?

    Firstly... Skiing? Second, is it just me or does the friend's hair go from short to long halfway through the chapter?
  11. DrHizzle

    Houkago no Goumon Shoujo - Vol. 5 Ch. 60 - The Spark of Love

    Bruh most dense MCs I can sorta forgive because I'm a bit dense so I can kinda understand, even though they're often inhumanly dense. But I can't fuck with the way this MC has been straight up confessed to multiple times by childhood friend-chan and hasn't given her a single answer, even if it's...
  12. DrHizzle

    Berserk of Gluttony

    @Aizene *looks at harem tag on both mangadex and novelupdates* 👀
  13. DrHizzle

    Ane Kurabe

    @aREALjojofan I've been pretty busy with classes lately. I'll probably work on it in December between semesters. However if you're asking because you're looking to TL it then by all means have at it. I still have 2 anthologies I need to scan in and TL, so if you work on this manga it'd give me...
  14. DrHizzle

    Kamibukuro-kun wa Koishiteru - Vol. 2 Ch. 11

    Ah yes, the ol' "they were actually hot the whole time!" trope. Oh well, the story and characters are cute aside from that so it's not that big a deal. I just wish manga would let non-conventionally attractive characters be something other than a joke character or a villain. Especially...
  15. DrHizzle

    Getsuyoubi no Tawawa

    @bastek66 I realize that but seinen is still a classification and still has a target demographic. I'm saying manga that appear in seinen magazines, particularly romance stories, seem extremely hit or miss. Sometimes you get gold like Love is War, but seemingly just as often, you get extremely...
  16. DrHizzle

    Getsuyoubi no Tawawa

    Man, seinen manga really love pushing this type of creepy shit, huh? "Depressed old man stumbles into high school girl with huge breasts, mega bazonkers, absolutely huge gazoongas! A totally normal not-at-all-pedo-y fun manga romp! Did we mention she has huge boobs?" I swear seinen is either the...
  17. DrHizzle

    Girlfriend, Girlfriend - Vol. 4 Ch. 35 - Nagisa Is Also His Girlfriend

    @Wissen How tf did I forget about that one? I've been reading that since chapter 1. But yea, that's the type of poly relationship that will work (even if that manga takes it a bit far with number of participants. It's all in good fun though).
  18. DrHizzle

    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Vol. 21 Ch. 276 - Getting fat over New Years... mumble mumble

    @Kirime Na, I counted my calories extremely carefully for 8 months, ate 1500 a day at 6'5, avoided carbs, biked daily, and just maintained weight without gaining enough muscle to offset it. I still had the same visible fat deposits. Idk what you're on about but metabolism and thyroid issues are...