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  1. ojkjertoijdflk

    Kumakura-san to Boku - Vol. 3 Ch. 14 - You gave me color

    short and sweet, thanks for the translation!
  2. ojkjertoijdflk

    Medusa Dorei o Katta - Vol. 2 Ch. 17

    uwu voice! if only we had translations for the fanbox +18:meguupog:
  3. ojkjertoijdflk

    Kimi to Picopico - Vol. 1 Ch. 11 - Merely Likes Games?

    this volume was pretty good and that smile was just adorable
  4. ojkjertoijdflk

    1/10 no Hanayome - Vol. 5 Ch. 49

    so she's dying from aids probably
  5. ojkjertoijdflk

    1/10 no Hanayome - Vol. 2 Ch. 11

    i can't believe cuck-kun grand masterplan was to tickle each girl. he's the stupidest mc i've read this month
  6. ojkjertoijdflk

    Tsuma, Shougakusei ni Naru.

    we're getting an anime adaptation. I'm looking forward to it!
  7. ojkjertoijdflk

    Asahina-san no Bentou Tabetai - Vol. 3 Ch. 22

    ended with more holes than swiss cheese. axe-kun is relentless.
  8. ojkjertoijdflk

    Asahina-san no Bentou Tabetai

    mango was nothing but false promises thanks for the scanlation!
  9. ojkjertoijdflk

    Kodomo no Jikan

    I saw the anime many years ago, I was traumatized so naturally I recommended it to everybody I could. Now that I finally read it all I can say is the anime wasn't a good adaptation and thank fuck everybody grew and got better, even if both adults (Reiji and Daisuke) ended up with girls half...
  10. ojkjertoijdflk

    Kodomo no Jikan - Vol. 8 Ch. 56

    Damn, what Shirai said hits a bit too close to home :(
  11. ojkjertoijdflk

    Medusa Dorei o Katta - Vol. 2 Ch. 15

    what does she mean with first time? they've been fucking since almost chapter 1
  12. ojkjertoijdflk

    Onahole Senpai. - Oneshot

    pero qué mierda acabo de leer?
  13. ojkjertoijdflk

    Genocider - Vol. 4 Ch. 24 - A Faint Hope

    oh god, that first frame of page 30 is terrible. WHY DOES SHE LOOK SO THICK lol anyway, it was decent? ending was meh but at least it didn't extend unnecessarily
  14. ojkjertoijdflk

    Genocider - Vol. 4 Ch. 23 - Life and Death Struggle

    the simp lives despite taking a bullet to the head?
  15. ojkjertoijdflk

    Genocider - Vol. 4 Ch. 20 - The Secret of Natsumi's Depression

    keita is such a moron it's unreal
  16. ojkjertoijdflk

    Genocider - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Liar

    i bet the thought to disobey an order and lie never crossed his mind
  17. ojkjertoijdflk

    Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi o Suru - Vol. 13 Ch. 101

    i knew i shoulda paused the manga after last month chapter, because we're gonna have to wait the better part of this year just to have some progress
  18. ojkjertoijdflk

    Ane no Tomodachi - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    I forgot how MC looks like a Wotakoi's Hirotaka albeit more expressive