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  1. ryuumajin

    RTA Sousha wa Game Sekai kara Kaerenai - Vol. 4 Ch. 15

    Aaah, something like check points there's lacking "ingredient" to trigger such event that brings a fatal crash on computer, huh
  2. ryuumajin

    RTA Sousha wa Game Sekai kara Kaerenai - Vol. 4 Ch. 15

    Is it about something something KusoGame?
  3. ryuumajin

    Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Oji-san - Vol. 6 Ch. 37 - Penyihir Jenius

    Si Kakanda butuh kalender deh kayanya. Makasih terjemahannya.
  4. ryuumajin

    RTA Sousha wa Game Sekai kara Kaerenai - Vol. 4 Ch. 15

    What is a flag-checker? Something about chess/checker game?
  5. ryuumajin

    Potion wa 160 km/h de Nageru Mono! ~Item-gakari no Ore ga Bannou Kaifukuyaku o Touteki suru Koto de Saikyou no Boukensha ni Nariagaru!?~ @COMIC - Vol…

    Well, I've seen myself an AMATEURISH WRITING combined with AMATEURISH DRAWING because despite the edginess of "Thrown away by your party for having useless skill" combined with "Cursed black silent girl", I thought at least the drawing might be beautiful but welp, so much stiff standing poses...
  6. ryuumajin

    Tsumi to Batsu no Spica - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Spica of Sin and Punishment (3)

    So, she's a mind reader, or some kind of psychometrist? I have a bad feeling that someone is aiming for the cat, but that the owner actually did it himself? Whoa he deserved whatever coming to him.
  7. ryuumajin

    Fukushuu o Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha wa, Yami no Chikara de Senmetsu Musou Suru - Ch. 94

    So far, I think the story has gone "We found the ultimate one piece Dragon Balls then what". I mean, he's basically a god, usurping godS (multiple, mind you), exacting revenge to the gods above him, and revenging on the citizens he deems sinful. In the other side, puny humins summoning some...
  8. ryuumajin

    Beast Complex - Ch. 25 - The Rabbit and the Wolf

    Okay, considering this is something like an epilogue(?) to Beastars, at least things have gone to the better way. Despite the wild nature, they're not just caught by some security or something. Well, after three years without war tension, I'm glad they actually have some kind of closings. Maybe...
  9. ryuumajin

    Honzuki no Gekokujou ~Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 2-bu 「Hon no Tamenara Miko ni Naru!」 - Vol. 11 Ch. 52 - An Abandoned …

    Oh dear. A baby, unknown of origin with "Consuming"? Not to mention, orphans having consuming is not uncommon. Grim future, that's for sure.
  10. ryuumajin

    Birdy the Mighty Evolution - Vol. 9 Ch. 88 - Opening of Hostilities #1

    HOLY HELL! THEY'RE ACTUALLY NUKING IT!? WHAT HAVE I BEEN MISSING!? (Aside the good guys always get cornered and in scrambled ways, the space polices have psychos and internal conflicts between them, and the terrorists have been having their merry way?)
  11. ryuumajin

    Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Oji-san - Vol. 6 Ch. 36 - Pesta Ulang Tahun!

    Empunya mah PANCEN OYE! Makasih terjemahannya yang apik ini
  12. ryuumajin

    Kyuuketsuki Sakka, VRMMORPG wo Play Suru @COMIC - Ch. 1

    Interesting premise. Let me see how far the vampire activities effect the gameplay
  13. ryuumajin

    Honzuki no Gekokujou ~Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 4-bu 「 Kizokuin no Toshokan wo Sukuitai!」 - Ch. 40 - Memanggil Para P…

    Terima kasih terjemahannya. Jujur, konfliknya bikin wa agak pusing buat mikir strategi dagangnya, sampe kudu resiko mutusin kontrak sihir segala.
  14. ryuumajin

    Otomege Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu - Vol. 13 Ch. 67 - Do We Go On?

    All the climax and it's still the "first game arc". I dunno what I'm going to anticipate for the "sequels". He's basically in high position now and an underdog he is not. And A KUSOGAME HAVING MOOLAHS FOR TWO SEQUELS AFTERWARD!? No. REALLY!?
  15. ryuumajin

    Akuyaku Kizoku to shite Hitsuyou na Sore - Vol. 1 Ch. 4.1

    Dear Reset Scans, so I found out in the raw that his name is "ABSOLUTE". As in アブソリュート (ABU SO RYUU TO) And yeah katakana "So" and "Ri" can trick you. As edgy and cringe as it is, still sounds better than "Appryuto", because it reminds me to "APPRICOT" fruit.
  16. ryuumajin

    Akuyaku Kizoku to shite Hitsuyou na Sore - Vol. 1 Ch. 3.2

    Dear Reset Scans, so I found out in the raw that his name is "ABSOLUTE". As in アブソリュート (ABU SO RYUU TO) And yeah katakana "So" and "Ri" can trick you. As edgy and cringe as it is, still sounds better than "Appryuto", because it reminds me to "APPRICOT" fruit.
  17. ryuumajin

    100 Ghost Stories That Will Lead to My Own Death - Ch. 86 - Is Someone There?

    "Why're you looking at here? We WATCHED something killing your dad!"
  18. ryuumajin

    100 Ghost Stories to Die For - Ch. 85 - Being Held

    The story this time falls to dark humor. The protag's not dead, the ghost is not evil. "It's a misunderstanding hahahahahaha" with no one laughing. Interesting bit. In the other hand, that shadowy figure....
  19. ryuumajin

    Rabukome to Kaijuu Taiji no Fumonritsu - Ch. 15

    Ah, something around winning the easy way, instead of going hero with a huge flashy finisher?
  20. ryuumajin

    Rabukome to Kaijuu Taiji no Fumonritsu - Ch. 15

    I need some explanation. "Cheesing" the octopus?