That harugon fangirl is really annoying.
You don't even know if harugon is male or female. If it is capable of love or understanding others. I know that fl is the harugon but the assumptions that the "friend" does really are not it. And they're only friends with fl bc she thinks that fl is...
Idk why but it doesn't resonate with me.
Ofc i understand the fl but the pacing, the other characters.. something feels off to me and that's i can't really enjoy it enough
Do you even know what you're saying child?! Your father needs to be beheaded! You are alright bc u did nothing and your father used u BUT your family needs to be punished. heavily
Given the fact that her son died, off the queen is a psycho but i don't think she is a good person in nature.
And our fl is so smart bro. Ofc duke should understand her ways and appreciate but him trying to make her more free is also nice. I just wish he wouldn't get so angry / scary so fast...