@cgr The Odyssey remade in the form of a shounen action romantic comedy lol. We need more myths redone in this fashion. When can we get the Exodus or the Gospel where Moses or Jesus get a harem and have to fight the Egyptians or Satan or something?
I've seen this concept before (Ratman sort of, Dramatic Couple) but I never get tired of it, especially when the female is comically clingy and jealous.
Is it me, or did this manga start the whole elfxorc vanilla thing? I remember reading a manga about some elf into scat after this came out a while ago then there is the one about that warrior elf trying to bang her asexual orc husband.
So is this ending? Because it seems like a really good place to end before it becomes too long and suffers from the degradation that always happens when manga outlive their "golden period".